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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Yeah it was only a matter of time before you explicitly lumped Indians into the persona non grata list. I always knew you guys would eventually just say “fuck all brown people”. This is exactly why Indians born in the West to Indian immigrants have strong solidarity with other brown people regardless of their religion. We don’t trust you conservatives and never will.

    You came invaded our ancestral country, subjugated us, stole our natural resources, and divided us. You still have items you stole from us in your museums. And you have the audacity to say that Indians and Muslims are invading Europe after Europe invaded us and stole from us.

    Naw. This is why we’re on the left. Fuck you all. If you say we’re invading you, then fuck it. We are invading you, and we’ve raised “anchor babies” as sleeper cell spies – and we’re going to save the West from you pathetic conservative colonizers.

  • Yep. Anything short of Russia’s total retreat is unacceptable, and ideally they’ll be forced to pay reparations as well.

    Something often forgotten by the “stop the war now” crowd is that the war could be over tomorrow if Russia withdrew. This war only exists because Russia invaded another country to stop their sovereignty. The war ends if Russia leaves and respects Ukraine’s sovereignty.

    Would you find it acceptable if Biden negotiated a deal where the Palestinian genocide would stop if half of Gaza fell under Israel’s total control? I certainly wouldn’t. You don’t give oppressors a reward.

  • The President does not have the power to codify abortion rights. That power lies with Congress. And I believe I’ve previously explained why Democrats were unable to do that. They had a 60 vote majority for all of a few months, and you had Democrats more conservative than Manchin in those days.

    It’s kind of funny in a sense. The two parties were much more similar in the 2000s. Clinton’s third way in the 90s allowed Democrats to win, but at the cost of becoming more conservative. They’ve since diverged significantly. Abortion didn’t used to be nearly as partisan.

    I think people really underestimate how badly Reagan fucked up the country. His era led to conservative dominance in US society, that’s only recently started to be torn away. Society has moved much more to the left since 2010. Another way to look at this – Sanders wouldn’t have gotten the support he did in the 2000s or earlier. His message has only recently resonated with American society.

  • Yes because surrendering to genocidal maniacs is the “anti war” position.

    And in this case, being anti NATO is being pro imperialist. Russia is angry that a former colony is going against them. NATO is supporting the colony against their former colonizers. Suggesting that the colonists stop fighting and do whatever the colonizers want is pro imperialism, and it’s what Stein and West are supporting.

    No support for Israel. No support for Russia. No support for colonizers. Any “leftist” against Palestinian and Ukrainian aid is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  • What’re you talking about? Democrats were sharply criticizing Garland for not bringing charges sooner, and still are. The Justice Department is independent, not an arm of the presidency.

    And, it took Garland time to bring a case because you can’t put together a case against the previous president of the US in a day. You only have one shot at a prosecution like that, and it needs to be flawless. It’s like the phrase “when you swing at the King, you better not miss”. It takes time to build the necessary case.

    Blame the supreme court instead for being lazy and in Trump’s pocket.

  • This is like Bill Clinton ignoring the Rwandan genocide

    Arguably this is because he didn’t ignore the Bosniak genocide but then NATO was criticized for getting involved.

    It’s my personal belief that we should intervene militarily to stop genocides, but there’s influential “leftist” thinkers who seem to disagree. Some will still say the US shouldn’t have gotten involved with Kosovo, and I believe Chomsky notoriously denied the Cambodian genocide was even happening.

    Of course, the right answer is to say fuck these people and get involved anyway. We shouldn’t bow to political disagreement when it comes to stopping genocides.