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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Nope. Going on 14 years with no increase in federal minimum wage, with continuous price inflation. No access to health insurance thanks to an oversight in the Affordable Care Act that has left millions of Americans like me to be deemed too poor to receive financial help, that he promised to address during his term. He has not mentioned it since elected. For some insane reason US emissions standards have a loophole that has led to increasingly large and more polluting vehicles on the roads, with much higher pedestrian deaths. Meanwhile his single largest piece of legislation is spending hundreds of billions on more car infrastructure, so climate change will be accelerating. Housing has gotten more and more expensive as real estate corporations keep buying everything up completely unopposed by him. And all of this is just stuff that directly impacts me. That’s not addressing the union neutering he’s done, the personally bypassing congress to give Israel more weapons to kill Palestinians, the horrendous performance of his DoJ that still doesnt have Trump in court for the crimes he committed 4 years ago.

    I really don’t understand in what ways I’m supposed to be better off now.

  • oh yeah I know all about it. Technically, quicksand is sand suspended in water. It has non-Newtonian properties, sand particles are able to slowly move around like a fluid, but if they move too fast they lock up. So you can sink into it slowly, if you struggle too fast it locks around you. But more commonly the term is broadened to include deep mud pits, usually clay silt, and peat bogs. All of them are denser than water, so there’s no real danger of sinking under, you’ll float around chest deep. Though you can push yourself under.

  • Yeah this was very predictable. It’s a presidential election, of course the federal court can override state courts. And the 14th amendment argument always hinged on the question of whether or not Trump engaged in insurrection, and that exact question is already being explored in the same court. And he has not yet been found guilty, so as far as the law is concerned, he hasn’t engaged in insurrection.

    Everyone’s upset because this hasn’t gone the way it’s supposed to, the DoJ should have charged Trump years ago so things can go in the correct order, Trump gets tried for insurrection, and then cant run for office if found guilty.