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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • No one is saying simply “don’t stress”. Recognizing when stress is centered around something outside your influence can be a step toward dealing with it. That may not work for some, but it does for others - as I said, different strokes. Making a broad generalization about what is and isn’t good advice is reductive and only shuts down advice that may help OP

  • Dismissing advice that doesn’t work for you personally isn’t helpful - different strokes and all. I’ve dealt with anxiety and have found that rationalizing emotional responses to events outside my control normally works well for me. Ultimately, there’s no one-size solution, so people need to try different approaches to find what works for them. A variety of perspectives is always best

  • Ironically, these are the sorts of questions you should be asking a therapist. More general advice is to only allow yourself to stress about things in your control. There’s a lot of shittiness in the world, and stressing over it is poison to your mental well-being. Focus on what you can change and let go of anything beyond that. It helps me to try giving people the benefit of the doubt, e.g. imagine a scenario where your therapist ghosting you is justifiable - maybe a close family member of theirs was in an accident - and choose to believe that. While it may not always be correct, this is a much better way to live for your part.

  • Worth noting that certain clients such as the PS4 and PS5 apps have terrible format support and will result in transcoding if you’re storing, say, MKVs. Something to look out for, but everyone else in this thread is on the money: don’t worry too much about performance at this stage. That’s a bridge you cross if and when you reach it