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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023

  • I just yesterday tried Wayland under Arch with a 1070 after a long time. Single WQHD monitor though. Although X11 is really performant, Wayland was more smooth regarding KDE desktop effects. Witcher 3 (via Heroic) showed fewer microstutters and I will try some more proton games and other applications over the weekend.

    I recently had to downgrade nvidia drivers from 560 to 550 because wakeup from sleep and hibernate would coredump. I read that this is fixed with 560 but only under Wayland. The developers definitely progressed on the nvidia front.

  • There have been 21 lethal attacks of wolves on humans in the recorded history of North America EVER and 2 lethal attacks in the last century.


    The reintroduction of wolves transformed the ecosystem of Yellowstone for good. They not only hunt but disperse ruminants so they don’t concentrate on specific locations and interrupt plantlife there. They hunt weak prey, maybe those that suffer from illness (like CWD) already. They leave carrion for scavengers who can spread seeds of specific trees like willows which also had a comeback in Yellowstone. Through dispersing the ruminants they enabled the comeback of the beaver who also worked towards restoring the plantlife via new waterways.


    I’m from Europe but I see the stupidity and sadism of North Americans especially in Wyoming, North- and South Dakota, Montana, Utah & Pennsylvania everyday on my timeline. The depicted case is no singular event. They systematically hunt down apex predators like foxes, wolves, coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions and also very advantageous animals like oppossums (ticks) and beavers (preventing wildfires and restoring nature) and racoons (pestcontrol).

    The images I’ve seen made by Pennsylvanian firefighters(!) hunting down foxes in fundraising hunting events were just harrowing.

    Then those sick in the head hunters & trappers and their spoiled kids pose themselves as the only viable solution to regulating overpopulating tick-ridden ruminants or the recent superboar infestation after they killed of all their natural predators.

    I wish them good luck with CWD and Alpha-Gal ticks in deers when they’ve exterminated the species that could effectively render CWD harmless:


    But thank god your precious livestock can live. Who needs the 4% wild animals (opposed to the 60% of livestock biomass)?