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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Reciting from memory is a bardic skill, but those “other people” were his dedicated assistants.

    Well, possibly. We don’t know when Homer went blind, or if he was ever actually blind.

    All we really know is that the two biographies written about him were written at least 400 years after his death. Both are highly questionable, but both still say that Homer was literate, or at least well educated, before losing his sight.

    All we actually know is that Homer wrote the Iliad (or parts of it) and the Odyssey.

  • I see most of the people in the comments here have older model heat pumps.

    Newer model heat pumps are quite a bit better than even ones made 10 years ago.

    My dad had one put in two years ago for his garage kitchen, and it’s worked quite well, even in fairly cold temperatures. Most importantly, that heat pump doesn’t have an auxiliary mode, and yet it still works in sub freezing temperatures.

    It would work even better if it were ground source, but those are both expensive and require digging up the yard.

  • I’ve been itching to play a dragonborn monk dubbed, “the golden god of the fist”.

    He would be somewhat of a nudist because of his belief that the physical form is perfection, and perfection must be shared with others to inspire them to seek out their own perfection.

    He would have polished, radiant golden scales and a body builder’s physique.

    His main camp supplies would be polishing wax, and a buffing wheel.

  • The survivors of the cult splintered and became a bit of a running gag, but yes, the players were a bit pissed that the big bad of that part of the campaign was dead off screen.

    I don’t really do a singular big bad… Just groups and factions and madmen wanting power.

    The players run into some of it. And hear tails of other adventurers solving some of it off screen. Which is what they thought happened at first until the wizard made a great roll and spotted an error in the ritual circle.

  • See, this shit wouldn’t throw me. As a DM I love improve in my plot lines. Hell, I often don’t plan things out past laying out the world and enemy motivations.

    Sure my big bad has goals, but they have to work for them just as much as anyone else does. One of the most fun (for me) campaigns I ever ran was where the big bad conducted a ritual off screen, and botched the roll. He ended up killing himself.

    The party knew that he had been planning a ritual of some sort and had gone into seclusion. They had decided to dismantle his organization before tracking him down.

    So weeks of fighting and taking out little hidden cells of the cult, they finally find info about where the big bad was doing his ritual. Only to find a mangled rotting corpse and a closed hell portal.