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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2024

  • This almost reads like satire in the context of my previous comment. I say you paint with too broad a stroke and don’t engage with communist ideas but only with a subset, you double down. I say liberals can’t grapple with the inherent flaws of the system and are unwilling to think outside it, you demonstrate it.

    Where do you think you got the ideas for worker’s rights and heavy taxation of the wealthy? You think social democracy isn’t just one facet of the socialist critique of capitalism? You think you just fell out of the coconut tree?

    I have no interest in adjuticating your point of view seeing as you’re unwilling to enage with mine, but the fact that you think all communists are marxist-leninists is comical. Even more, there are plenty of communists who aren’t even marxists. And not just communists, the whole left of liberal space is far more diverse than that. There’s anarchists, there’s anarcho-communists, there’s mutualists, syndicalists, on and on we go. There have been decades upon decades of work and thought put into the current, and it looks far more different than you could apparently fathom.

    Once again, I ask you to stop looking at what internet ML chambers and anti-communist propaganda claims communism to be. There’s a lot more out there that you might perhaps agree with, if you were willing to engage in anything more than milquetoast tweaks to an inherently unjust system.

  • Just go ahead and conflate outright tankies and ML’s with the entire communist space, sure, whatever. You ended up with “Communists want to take your toothbrush” level of analysis just because you paint too broadly.

    The problem with liberalism isn’t that they champion liberty, it’s that they are woefully incapable of challenging systems of power, and that just enables the present biases and power imbalances in the system, ultimately always leading to fascist tendencies and sometimes an actual slip into fascism.

    And that’s the beef the communist community at large has with liberals. They would theoretically be an ally, but will actually align with the fascists more often than with socialists/communists because they know fascists will ultimately still preserve upper class business interests.

    I won’t say that your critique isn’t salient, it does fit in with what a lot of tankies seem to believe, as they regularly champion state power, but it always irks me when people only interact with online jackasses and then assume that all people who subscribe to a similar ideology share in those opinions.