Just FYI, currently in Sweden I pay the equivalent of about $10 for the standard tier without ads.
They only recently increased it to the close to $10. Currently I am OK paying that since my kid is actually using Netflix frequently.
As soon as the price goes higher, or they introduce ads in any way or once they start peddling their shitty mobile games on the child account, we’re out.
They already started to not have non-English audio for a few pretty popular movies, which is a weird move and makes it less usable for us as well.
Already got Jellyfin setup, so no worries for the future on my end.
Hi, question for Ms. Bellamy. In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
Not true… there’s also Star Trek and Linux here.
Its a shitshow but one has to admire how fast that went.
They have an f-droid repository, so if you already have f-droid but not Obtainium you can download via that.
Are those chips actually made in US? Or just designed?
Are there any public examples of that? The retraction process is so unbelievably convoluted and slow that I am surprised to hear it is used for censorship.
Interesting how bad online gaming got, that articles like this one exist. Content of a game you bought not vanishing after a few months is revolutionary, just wow.
Putting such a project on Github is going to be risky, but maybe your case is again one of these where you can argue, you are not supplying the media yourself.
Seeing as this uses RealDebrid, wasn’t there some drama around the service recently? Not a subscriber, so don’t have any direct contact to this, just remember some threads where a company offering the services started giving out user info to the local government.