I’m just a guy, my dudes.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Did no one read the article? All of his complaints are correct! Replacing old city pipes, that are almost assuredly covered in years of internal layers to mitigate lead leaking, will have a negligible to possibly even negative effect on lead at the tap. Even Brookings said so in their study! Buttigieg is getting a total pass here ignoring the real issues raised by just rebutting about how lead is bad, when they’re both saying that. So tired of people scoring cheap political points on soundbites, and Buttigieg doesn’t usually fall prey to that sort of thing.

    Yes, the funding should have been higher, but if we’ve only got 15 million to work with, it might actually make more sense to do targeted fixes in low income communities in old residential buildings, where you’re most likely to have lead effects actually being felt at the tap from (relatively) newer lead pipe still in walls. But that would be expensive and much harder than just replacing water mains, so they’re doing the easy less-important work first, rather than getting the biggest bang for their buck.

  • Yeah, coming in with no prior CAD experience I actually think freecad’s interface makes sense, especially since I’ve used it for both 3d printing (one workbench) and mocking up building plans (a different lumber one I was able to download as an add-on - very cool).

    I did run into the topological naming problem once though, and I’m far from a power user, so I’ve been meaning to check out the real thunder fork.

  • Whoa whoa whoa - the Jumanji reboot was excellent. It’s still a kids movie, but Jack Black was amazing, and even Kevin “Homophobe” Hart showed some chops. And the Rock and Karen Gilliam are both good as always.

    Yes, it’s a derivative recycle of existing IP capitalizing on nostalgia, but everything now is a derivative recycle of existing IP capitalizing on nostalgia. At least they updated the board game idea to have fun 80s video game call backs and tried their best for a good script and good acting. I thoroughly enjoyed it.