Misleading headline.
They’re just fucking with him. Giving him some hope, then they’ll take it away again 😔
Misleading headline.
They’re just fucking with him. Giving him some hope, then they’ll take it away again 😔
I’m doing my part
Does it matter if they’ve got that Christi-fascist god-bothering speaker of the house to install him anyway, regardless of the election outcome? It sounds like the more rabid gop members are Russian sock puppets, he’ll just be the head sock puppet…
What’s the key combo for right click on macos, if your track pad and mouse aren’t working? No one knows… Or can tell me. They always say “jUsT gEt aNothER mOUse”… Yeah dickhead, I’m on a plane, what’s the key combination?
Windows it’s shift+f10.
I remember this!
As a mobile app developer, I lost count of how many times Android would implement something New And Shiny, and then Apple would come along, sometimes years later, implement that same thing for iOS and declare and market it as Magical and Revolutionary. Usually the iOS one would be a better one, because they’d let Android work most of the bugs out, but I don’t recall too many things that Apple did that had never been seen before.
!Wifi = not-wifi = there’s no wifi, there’s no internet! 😱