A classic nerd from Norway.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Nice to hear it not framed around health only, for once. From most advice it is seemingly impossible to live a healthy life if you dont cook yourself six days a week. Which seems ridicilous. Particularly for one who doesnt enjoy cooking (even though I do know how to cook decent meals).

    Wish there was restaurants around here that was more like mess halls, priced at a level everyone could afford to eat at every day, made from healthy local ingredients, shared tables, no attempt at “mood” or theme, no waiters, you get whats served today and no alternatives except for those with particual dietary needs. I ate at the local poor-house once and it was almost what I would have wanted if they just got rid of the preacher and added a payment terminal. I heard those kinda eateries were common back around the early 1900. Why we at some point decided that everyone should mostly cook their own meals, or buy over-salted pre-made meals, and that restaurants should either be a luxury and involve a lot of waiting for a table and a waiter and the meal and the oversized bill and the waiter again to pay, or be fastfood so unbalanced that nobody should really eat it daily.

  • Why should everyhing be in threes and so damn final in big entertainment land? I like the “will return in Story Title n+1” endings. Even when it never even materializes. Or the eternal spinoffs of spinoffs (which a lot of Star Wars kinda already are). Or the crossover in other works as a background character easter eggs (which I believe Star Wars have done occasionally too). Or Marvel type crossovers (but comics, the MCU multiverse thingy crossovers are getting a bit tiresome by now) (also no, dont bring wolverine into Star Wars, please) (no, not Deadpool or Spiderman either) (oh, the alternative is putting mandalorians in every Star Wars you say?).

    Anyway, let the protagonist and closest allies survive, let him walk into the sunset, and be open for more adventures another day. In their own or as a mentor in someone else’s story.

  • You might already heard this one but I didn’t learn until a relatively recent internet meme that its only here in Norway that something being “complete texas” means its completely chaotic and messy.

    Also I’m using “what the fir forest” (“hva i granskauen”) as a replacement for “what the hell” and I have no idea where I’ve picked it up… Nobody else around me do, not even family. Works just as fine though against pain and annoyances.

  • Veidt asked the precognitive being if his plans for utopia would come to be, and if it was all worth it in the end. Osterman cryptically responded by saying “Nothing ever ends”, and teleported away leaving Veidt once again in doubt as to whether or not his plan was successful.

    From what I understood, he spent the whole story acting super-sure about what would happen if he did nothing, and how he alone could fix it. But in the end of the comic, this showed he had doubts. Veidt didnt have precognition, just very good prediction. But also an over-inflated ego. He killed a lot of people for a “maybe”.

  • My usual dream location I’ve returned to so often that I know where places are in relation to each other. It is a patchwork of my home area but with nearby areas that I can’t remember ever having seen IRL. Almost all my dreams, since I was a kid, takes place in this personal dream realm.

    It has expanded with new places as I’ve grown though. Latest addition is a cruise ship, with extremely many decks, and a single one-person elevator. I had a room at 58th floor of 85 floors(!) in my dream a few weeks ago. And I had some trouble getting the elevator to the right floor, of course. I always have trouble getting places in dreams.

    Another strange quality is that sometimes events of a dream triggers my memory of an older and often forgotten dream. Not as old as OPs, but usually weeks or months back.