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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Hey mate.
    Getting wrecked is no shame at all.
    I got absolutely wrecked by the bandits in the ruis too. Then I reloaded, discovered what use an oil keg can be, and won the fight.
    Same with the Goblin camp, or the (second) attack on the Grove (which was far easier after moving some objects)
    It’s incredible how much easier a fight turns out if you contemplate for half a minute and the restart.
    On the other side I decided to not reload, after one of the characters got killed in camp, because opposite to losing a fight, It was my decision to watch the outcome - which was worse.

    PS: I am doing it the other way than you did. I started in August alone in balanced mode, and are halfway through act2 by now. And started a co-op playthorugh together with my wife in easy mode two weeks ago.

  • Strenght should no be your issue. but if you have a full inventory it will fail of course.
    Spread your freight over your characters, sell the rubbish or send some heavier items to you camp. you will need at least 40kg of free weight to pick those barrels up. You can of couse send them to the camp too, where you later can pick them up again.
    I would recommend to always carry one or two of those barrels with you. dropping them before a battle and shoot a fire arrow on them as soon as enemies approach it can gain an insta-win. Af if you discover you did not need it, you can pick up the unused barrel afterwards.

  • Let’s agree upon that I answer only to this:

    User interface is a tool for expressing intent.

    Let’s first describe how it is on PC where I play the game: If I hover over an object, the mouse curser changes it’s shape into the symbol of the action I will do. On ordinary barrels it is an open chest for looking inside. On barrels with oil, water or explosives it’s the sword which is the gaming world- wide understood symbol for attack. I know it from several RTS games too. And if the symbol is highlighted in red it indicates that bystanding NPCs will disapprove your actions.
    So the UI does express what you will do. If you watch carefull enough. If the curser is too small for you to see it, there is for sure a setting somewhere to enlarge the cursor. Or maybe a mod.

    My impression is that you biggest problem here is to understand that those objects are no containers. So there is no option to look inside.

    It’s not an UI issue but a handling issue.

    since dragging into inventory may fail due to overload issues this can’t be default action neither.
    And under certain circumstances you may want to destroy a barrel. To spread oil or water in preparation for a battle.

  • Pedantry is a terrible guide for user interface design.

    But we are talking about a game here, and an UI function that may cause both amusement and a learning effect.
    I too played too much games in the past where mindlessly looting every clickable object is considered a viable gaming experience.
    the first object you come across in the game explodes if you touch it. So you have been told very early that your actions may cause negative consequences too.

  • Honestly, this should be considered a bug. The game teaches you that clicking a barrel means approach and open it, and then after you’ve learned that through lots of repetition, it tricks you with an exception that explodes in your face. This is Bad UI 101.

    Technically this is not correct. Clicking an object tells your character to interact with it.
    On barrels you don’t know of its content your dude looks into it to see whats inside.
    While on barrels where you already know the content you get provided with diffent interaction options.

    PS: i more have a problem with random dudes attacking me, or want to jail me just because i look into a container.
    But i won’t consider it a bug.

  • I am still in Act one.
    But it seems I screwed up some things which let to one character leaving my party early and a second refusing to even join it.
    A third character got killed in a scripted event. So I am now stuck with the same three companions for the rest of the game.

    While I don’t like how this turned out I decided I won’t reload just to try to make it better.
    I just sticked with my group and Play on because it felt right to do so.

    Of course I will miss out dialogues and story elements of the other characters, but I still can concentrate on them in a second playthrough.