• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • For me the camera is important, and the other manufacturers have long caught up with the Pixel. Back in the day, even before the first Pixel (Nexus 5x) there was no competition and Google was a few years ahead, but now it’s just a matter of preference. That, plus the iPhone takes much nicer video. Overall my impression is that the 15 Pro takes slightly better pictures than the 7 Pro, but it’s also 1 year newer so…

    My main issue with the 7 Pro was calling. It keeps dropping calls, call quality is much worse than on my other phones (e.g. Pixel 3), I had issues with dual sim where other people couldn’t connect calls with me. I tried everything, switching providers, esim, physical sim, LTE, WLAN calling, created debug logs for the dev team, I even got a replacement unit from Google, but still no fix…
    The second reason for switching is that I found the last 2 Android version boring, and most new features are bound to Google’s ecosystem. I also didn’t want to go for another Pixel until they refine their hardware, and also the new price is ridiculous for a Pixel phone imo.

  • Well for context, I’ve been using iPhones and Android phones ever since my first smart phones. I’ve used the iPhone 3Gs, 11 Pro, and now the 15 Pro Max.
    From the Google lineup I’ve used the Nexus 5x, Pixel 3, Pixel 7 Pro (and I also own the OG Pixel for photo backups).

    I used to be very interested in custom roms and modding etc, so that’s why iPhones were always a bit boring to me. I always found iOS to be limiting and stupid in many ways, like limiting app background activity etc etc.

    This time I’m switching because the Pixel has hardware issues (call quality, dropping calls, people cannot call me with dual sim enabled etc…), and I didn’t want to go for another Pixel until they get their hardware stuff together (and I’ve been boycotting Samsung since the S4 haha). But also I’ve found Android 13 and 14 to be quite boring. I don’t do custom roms nowdays, but from what I’ve seen it’s not what it used to be back in the day. Google promised feature drops and in the one year I’ve had the 7 Pro they haven’t added anything besides small changes or features they promised at launch. The few things they added/changed were exclusively for the Google apps from what I can recall.
    No single Android feature was added, all bound to Googles own things.

    Well, Apple does the integration a lot better so if this is what Android is becoming, then I might as switch to the Apple side.
    iOS 17 added more cool and useful features than what I’ve noticed in the last 2 Android versions… Maybe it’s just a thing of “the grass is greener on the other side”, dunno. Honestly I’m also switching because the Pixel Watch felt like a beta product, and also received 0 updates (besides security) in the one year I’ve had it. I’m excited to get to enjoy AirPods finally, and the Apple watch.

    That being said, I’ve switched from iPhone to Android twice now too. There’s some really retarded things on iOS that annoy me over time like notifications, no good calculator app available like the default Pixel one, alarm app is garbage with its fixed 9m snooze delay, I can’t set notification sounds system wide (so I end up having to use whatever choices the app provides, if any).
    There’s a bunch of other weird stuff going on in iOS, but I’m willing to give it a try, as I now also have a MacBook, and my gf also has an iPhone.