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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • “What the fuck? why is this spell trying to access your Patron directly? Theres no reason it cant run off your local mana reserves”

    “Wow I made the pact with the creature from the abyss to get my powers, and now it wants a monthly sacrifice in order to keep use them?”

    “How does a simple “create water” spell have a 15 second cast time? Is it doing something else in the background or were the glyphs written by a first year apprentice?”

    “Ah fuck how do I change the incantation for my spell again? Let me search the the orb real quick…”

  • I get you’re just a sad little loser and saying this dumb shit is just your way of getting attention from strangers on the internet.

    But on the tiny off chance you’re not a troll that knows how stupid your own argument is:

    Trump has literally said he will be a dictator from day one. He has already made 1 major attempt to end the Democratic process in the US. And has a several courts including the supreme Court stacked in his favour, given another 4 years that will only get worse and he has a much better chance this tike around of actually ending democracy in America. So even if you truly belive the stupid fucking opinion that Joe Biden is just as bad as Trump, taking the hit and voting for Biden this time means you can vote for someone else in 4 years time, so you have a chance to get a president that actually works for you. But if you don’t vote and Trump gets elected then there’s a good chance you never get a say in who is president ever again.

    Also you know your incredibly obvious fake concern over gaza is fucking disgusting btw. You’re genuinely a piece of shit.

  • Ideally yes, but unfortunately even if Biden does want to do that, existing US doctrine won’t allow it. Israel is basically Americas proxy in the middle east and protects “American interests” in the region from traditionally Russian backed states like Egypt and Iran.

    Then there’s all the more kooky stuff like the amount of important and rich people in the US that are either zionists themselves, are Christian zionists who belive Israel needs to exist to bring forth the second coming, or just simply have vested interests in the military industrial complex.

    Which all make it so opposing Israels genocide extremely costly in terms of political capital.