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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 21st, 2023


  • You’re trying to hold progressives and leftists to a different standard than everybody else. You’re insisting we have to vote for someone acting against our interests while excusing others for signaling they wouldn’t vote for Biden if he did.

    Fuck. That. Shit.

    Your polling calculus only holds up if people like me show up to vote for Biden. So I’ll change that calculus: I’m voting 3rd party.

    See? Now you can go deal with the people who insist Biden keep sending weapons to Israel. It’s not my problem anymore.

  • You argued to me to stop finger-wagging at progressives and focus on the problem. All I’m saying is to do the same. Stop finger-wagging at Biden and influence the polls. Influence the Jewish Americans and I promise you the second you shift their stance you’ll see a reflection in the a Biden Administration’s approach.


    I have done enough. I am walking away from a pro-corporate trash candidate, a pro-corporate trash party and all the liberal and moderate voters who are so fucking happy with pro-corporate trash.

    If they want my vote then they can do the work for once in their fucking lives. If that’s too much to ask of them then their precious “Democracy” must not be that important to them. I’m out. I’m voting 3rd party.

  • I’m pretty sure they are compromising? Are you saying Biden’s position is the same as it was the days after October 7th? Because it’s clearly not.

    This is your idea of compromise? Nothing has changed. Weapons are still being shipped.

    So give me an argument that reflects polling that doesn’t shoot Democrats in the foot in November.

    I can’t. If you’re right you’re right. But I’ll be voting 3rd party. I won’t be held to a double standard. If the pro-weapon shipments voter aren’t morally culpable for refusing to yield their position in order to guarantee Biden wins then I’m not either.

  • I think it’s more that we have to be a better electorate

    Who’s “we”? I know exactly which race and generation is to blame for all this pro-corporate trash that keeps making it’s way through the Democratic primaries. And even people who say “Well more of you show up to the primaries!” argue that liberal and moderate voters won’t vote for progressive or leftist candidates or even a liberal or moderate candidate who dares materially compromise with progressive or leftist policy. So we’ll win the primary only to lose the general.

  • So here’s a thought: it goes both ways — Why don’t YOU shame them for being shitty people instead of expecting Biden to do anything differently until those people actually SHIFT their positions? I mean isn’t it extremely ironic you say this as you finger-wag at Biden doing Democratic things in a Democracy?

    But it doesn’t go both ways.

    Progressives and leftists are simultaneously “the minority” in every single policy disagreement. There is not a single example of Biden making material compromises with progressives and leftists in his entire term because the threat is always “the polls don’t say that’s the way to go”.

    So then after 4 years of being pushed aside Every. Single. Time. if Biden loses who will be blamed? Moderates? Liberals? War mongers? Nope. Those darn progressives and leftists.

    Despite having zero material influence on policy we are handed 100% responsibility for every failure. It’s fucking bullshit.

  • Your counter argument is “Well the shitty decision is more popular so.”?

    There are 7.6 million Jewish Americans who still heavily lean in support of Israeli actions.

    Then shame them for being shitty people. Don’t shame progressives and leftists for refusing to cater to it. Your accusation that refusing to vote for Biden is support for Putin and Trump is equally damning whether Biden continues to send weapons to Israel or not. Those who would refuse to support Biden if he stopped sending weapons to Israel are just as guilty. The difference is they want to keep bombing people.

    Direct your shame and finger wagging to the people who actually deserve it.

  • They can’t seriously be that stupid though. Can they?

    They’re not stupid. They’re pro-corporatists. They can’t prosecute Trump without harming some other rich fucks in the process. When Trump said he’d have to have a fire sale to make the bond amount that wasn’t a complaint it was a threat. Commercial real estate is already being propped up by fake numbers. If Trumps properties went up for sale it would blow that whole thing up. That’s why he’s being protected.

    Pro-corporatism has no way of addressing fascism. And the Democrats are a pro-corporate party.