• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I’ve always kinda wondered about this. I’m not an audio guy and really can’t tell the difference between most of the standards. That said, I definitely remember tons and tons ‘experts’ telling me that no one can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p TV at typical distance to your couch. And I absolutely could and many of the people I know could. I can also tell the difference between 1080 and 4k, at the same distances.

    So I’m curious if there’s just a natural variance in an individual’s ability to hear and audiophiles just have a better than average range that does exceed CD quality?

    Similar to this, I can tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps, but not 60 to 120, yet some people swear they can. Which I believe, I just know that I can’t. Seems like these guidelines are probably more averages, rather than hard biological limits.

  • No, I use both YouTube and YouTube music and they need different UIs and ways of navigating. While you could cram all of YouTube musics UI into a subsection of YouTube, it really doesn’t make sense to do so. I’m not just shitting on Google just because, I’m saying that the needs of music listening and YouTube video watching are different for many people.

    Honestly sounds like you don’t even need youtube, just YouTube music if all you ever use it for is listening.

  • I hate the whole meta of private trackers. When I’ve joined a few in the past the whole focus on needing to keep up your ratio has been a larger barrier to downloading than leechers ever were on public trackers.

    You can’t seed because several users have seedboxes with perfect connections and already have a billion-to-one ratio. I ‘theoretically’ have access to all this content, but I’m downloading ‘80’s workout video volume 7’ in the hopes that I can actually seed it for someone to get enough ratio to actually download something I wanted to watch.

    I was on what.cd back when that was still a thing, I poorly chose my first few downloads and then never had enough ratio to download anything else ever again until I was finally kicked for inactivity.

    Instead of actually fostering a working seed economy, most seem to just replicate a capitalist dystopia where a handful of users hog all the seed slots, earning more ratio credits than they could ever use while everyone else desperately tries to scrape together enough ratio to get something of value.

  • There was this point where VR gaming seemed like an inevitable successor to traditional gaming. It was everywhere and improving rapidly. There were core concerns, but most felt that those could be solved with time. The technology had so much potential.

    This is how the current AI solutions feel to me right now. There are a small-ish group of people who find them very useful and use them often. There are a large group of people who are currently on the hype bandwagon, talking about all the potential they hold. But currently they have yet to truly hit mainstream use.

    With VR, all that hype and potential seems largely dead. The promised advancements haven’t seemed like enough to take over from traditional games, the fundamental issues haven’t been fixed because they’re too hard or too costly to fix.

    I’m still unsure if AI will go this same route, or if it will eventually break into more mainstream. I think probably the most likely route is something like how Siri/Alexa worked out. Some people use voice assistants all the time, others basically never do. They never quite fully delivered on the revolution they promised, but they were useful enough to stick around. That’s how I feel about the current AI approach.

    I think long term we’ll get some other approach that will once again kick off the AI hype machine, but the current AI approach is only going to find limited success because it’s going to be really, really hard to get it to a place where you can reasonably trust the output.