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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Anybody else experiencing game breaking bugs right now?

    Like I can’t sell my stuff now, game will insta crash when I click on an item to sell, doesn’t matter which character’s backpack and doesn’t matter if I barter or trade. Also, it takes like 5 minutes before the vendors items or cash appears.

    Characters won’t engage in combat at all and randomly. When I select them to engage an enemy, they teleport to another location and no matter what, they won’t attack. It’s like they are in another game entirely. I also can’t switch back to the characters that are in the fight.

    Lot’s of freezing too. I have to save scum before entering any convo now as it might just lock me out of any action for 30 minutes or straight up crash. And my charisma Shadowheart is useless now since it’s always my Barb Half orc with 8 CHR talking no matter what. And this was an intended patch??? Wtf.

    I’ve reinstalled the game for the patch and again yesterday with no changes. Any tips? The only thing I can think of is that it’s an old save, hadn’t played since october but it’s late act 3 and I just really want to finish this campaign.

    edit: And when I mean crash, I mean the game loads up like it was the first time. All the tutorials are back and all my settings or keybindings are back to default. It just resets the game entirely.

  • Surprised monk rogue is so low. It’s been the most brutal dps build I’ve experienced so far. Three levels of rogue with thief for bonus actions and two levels of fighter for action surge ( always use two levels of fighter almost every time) is devastating. My strenght build monk puts out twice the amount of damage my ranger does, hits 100%of the time and doesn’t need any form of advantage apart from melee range. First turn usually means 8 attacks dealing 30+ damage each with the appropriate bonuses. That’s over 240 on first turn then +/-180 for at least the nex two turns if you don’t channel ki. Casual numbers right.

    Edit: yeas it also needs tavern brawler which is a broken feat afaic.

  • They’re not thinking about these things as games, generally, but specifically how they’ll be perceived by the Xbox audience. It looks to me like they discounted BG3, at least in part, because it couldn’t split-screen on series S. They’re thinking about games you play on the couch, in a group, maybe during a party - not games you play solo for hours or days on end.

    And that’s what I mean. They are wrong on all counts because they don’t understand what makes a game successful. They only consider the monetary success of their own. They also think “xbox” audience is somehow different and want something else than other platform users. Sure couch is cool but let’s not pretend that this is really how people are gaming nowadays. People like all games when they are well made, complete from the start and just fucking work. Throw a bit of good writing in there and you have a GOTY contender. BG3 is just far above that only and that’s why I’m saying if anyone an MS looked into BG3 and Larian and chose not to sign, they are incompetent idiots.

  • How could joysticks replace keyboards apart from forcing you to use a virtual keyboard with a joystick? Is everything else about computing the same or is it some form of fantasy joystick centered computer? Anyway what’s more important is that joysticks already exist in computing and we know they serve a specific purpose and really suck for the rest cause we tried. We designed the computer after all so we control how we interact with them. Not like we found them in the wilds and they somehow only had a joystick.

  • And all of this is because Microsoft execs, or almost any exec, cannot even judge the market they are in properly. They only understand once the money starts coming in, after the selling data is compiled, and then claim it was impossible to predict. They have 0 foresight and imagination. They just cannot fathom a new game can be successful if someone involved hasn’t already succeeded to the same level. They don’t understand progress and cannot see signs of a good product if you don’t tell them how much it sold.

    Look at the product, not just the previous financial success. Look at the following (YES kickstarter success IS A GREAT SIGN IT WILL SELL). Look at the actual fucking game they are making since you had three years to check it out before. But they don’t because they don’t get it, they don’t understand their own market. They, like always, based their entire opinion on past financial success and some arbitrary “niche market” they invented anyway. The market is much, MUCH wider that this. Every single gamer in the world plays a wide variety of genres, that is not what makes a game succeed of fail. The quality of them is.

    Nobody who looked into BG3 before had doubts about this game’s quality. Hell a lot of us are not here because of DnD but because Larian already made extraordinary games in that genre.

  • They are just proving they don’t understand what makes games sell at all then. Anybody who had experienced the early access (they had like 3 years to do so) knew this was a special game. Anybody who tried the DOS series also knew and are probably here because of those anyway. The success of this game was obvious way before it came out. This is just another proof that the people running the business have no idea of what they are doing. They just cannot judge of stuff before they have numbers and it’s why we should get rid of these leeches. So again, the only surprised people are the idiots that don’t understand shit about modern games.

  • Your car. Just think about the forces and mechanisms invovled for this to happen. Every single day we travel at 100km/h in our 2ton at least metal box surrounded by hundreds of other people in their equally large and heavy and fast machines in a space barely wide enough to react in case of an emergency(not even considering if most are actually ready to act in such a case. All of this with realistically little training. Not to mention most people don’t really pay attention while driving and certainly don’t consider the life of others while doing so. It’s so impersonal and dangerous. If it was a never heard of concept, individual cars driven by any normal person would be considered laughably stupid at the very best.