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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • That tech looks super cool & might be worth waiting for, but from what I’ve been reading it is still being perfected and will likely see big improvements fairly quickly after release.

    Heres a clip from this article I think is relevent: Teh said the new drives have double the capacity of storage systems using conventional 16TB perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) drives, and this can be doubled again over the next four years. The company is projecting 4TB platters in the next couple of years, with 5TB coming shortly thereafter, and 6TB out beyond the current roadmap.

    So there’s a chance you wait for those drives, pay a little extra cuz the tech is new, then have something twice as good get released a year or two later.

    It’s definetly a tricky situation & ultimately up to you and what you want. Do you need that extra storage asap, or is it more of a eventually kind thing? Does new tech have its own intrinsic value to you, or is it more about price per terabyte?

    Good luck with your decision! I know how hard these kind of choices can be. You never know what the market will look like after you finally make that big purchase.

  • There are a number of storage technologies in the works right now. However, I think they will result in a new type of memory device rather than HDDs getting cheaper. Kind of like how a stack of CDs isn’t cheaper now than it was in 2005, rather there are new types of storage that offer more memory and longer life spans.

    So if you are definetly going HDD, prices are probably not going to get that much cheaper, if any cheaper at all.

    I’d say keep an eye out for sales & that will probably make a bigger difference than waiting a set amount of time.

  • I see where youre comming from & also think its important to support artists I like, and I do. I think both AI and artists can coexist & serve different purposes.

    Something like this, using AI for a banner, is using a tool for people to create something they couldnt/wouldnt before. It doesnt mean I’m not going to buy a cool print or painting from an artist I like.

    & I think its cool to have something that aggregates information and makes it accesible and easy to work with for the masses. Its messed up that it is currently controlled by corporate interests, but there are also people working on FOSS ai. Its this kind of snapshot of humanity in its current state, that I think goes beyond any particular artist/writer/person.

    I get being worried about it taking jobs, but I think new ones will spring up to take their place.

    (Or really optimistically maybe well see some sort of radical change that will make the concept of ‘earning a living’ obsolete, like UBI or something)

    Edited to add: as a writer, people who buy my writing wouldnt just use ai to replace me. If anything it can supplement my work by making it easier for fans to make fanart & help build hype around the universe and characters that I created.

  • Yo db dont let these haters get you down. I think it looks like a really cool project and love the idea of a shifting banner than anyone can contribute prompts to. I also love the idea of backgroud details being influenced by various metrics of the community.

    AI is a tool (just like photoshop, electric lawn mowers, and combustion engines). Anyone who thinks its replacing artists are really underestimating the editing needed to produce something good from AI generators. And this is comming from a writer who loves how much AI has helped with various parts of the process.

  • I think its that many people didnt really leave reddit, some migrated to lemmy, some to discord, some to other small sites, and some just quit that style of website.

    Lemmy definitely is still pretty small, but i think its growing pretty well (i remember checking it out years ago and it being a super tiny niche site). It takes time for things to set up & for users to get comfortable and grow communities they care about. Organic growth is slow.

  • I think the issue was more about forcing intense discourse on people who aren’t interested in having that conversation at that moment.

    You werent banned for calling out transphobia, you were banned because you were being pedantic and argumentative. Plus you were on a new account so everything all together made it look like you were trolling.

    I think if you had stopped after one or two comments it would be fine. My rule is generally to point out something if I feel it needs to be said, then maybe give one more clarifying response, then let it go.

    Another choice would be to make a separate post somewhere discussing the neuances of ‘disliking politics’ – then people who comment on it clearly want to have that discussion and are opting in.

    It seems like the situation triggered you, and sometimes the most productive choice is to step back from the conversation and move on.

    Sorry you got banned, i hope you find a new comfy home on lemmy!

  • Hmmm I am more of a sci-fi person, but I’ve definitely still seen some threads talking about fantasy books. I’m guessing you’re already on the main book communities like !books@lemmy.ml !literature@beehaw.org ? They are pretty active and I do see discussion on threads talking about fantasy books. There is also the fantasy community !fantasy@lemmy.ml – which does admittedly have pretty low traffic (though, you could be the change you want to see…). I found one niche community that was very recently made !cozyfantasy@wayfarershaven.eu

    I get how hard it can be to find active book reading communities & wish I had more suggestions in the fantasy realm. If you have a specific sub genre in mind, search for it or maybe even make a community for it. I was surprised to find a few different scifi sub genres already had active communities on lemmy & even recently made communities are growing fairly quickly with the new users.

    Good luck finding your next page turner & lmk if you want sci-fi recs :)

    Edit: to add and un-add exclamation points