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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Look honestly I don’t think this is that dystopian.

    Smoke detectors existed in bathrooms forever. The main use in high school seems to be catching particularly dumb teenagers smoking cigarettes in the bathroom. When I was in high school they were tuned to be super sensitive to the point where water vapor could set one off. I remember one time where the entire school had to stand out in the rain after a fire alarm went off, in what was later determined to be just two teenagers smoking in the bathroom.

    Teachers also have been trying to catch students smoking for like 50 years. Back in the 20th, there were assistant principals that basically roamed the halls looking for whiffs of cigarette smoke. Part of the reason memes about hanging out under the bleachers started is because it was the best place to smoke on account of being outside, out of the way, and old school gym teachers just not giving a fuck.

    This dudes app just seems like a modern update on very old concepts. Instead of teenagers smoking cigarettes, they are vaping. Instead of a smoke detector, you have something designed specifically for vapes. Instead of some super anal assistant principal on patrol, you have some super anal assistant principal sprinting across the school. Who knows, maybe this is the thing that forces teenagers to touch grass because I’m willing to there aren’t vape detectors under the bleachers and gym teachers still don’t give a fuck.

  • I’m convinced this was a foreign attempt to stir up and/or signal boost controversy.

    Dude is the mayor of Baltimore. A DEI hire in that city would be a wealthy white man. It’s also had serious issues for decades regardless of who was in charge.

    There isn’t an American alive who doesn’t know this. Trump commented that Baltimore was a rat infested shit hole. Obama commented that Baltimore had serious issues. There was a fucking Broadway musical where the opening song is how much the protagonist loves Baltimore where she giddily describes being surrounded by filth, sex offenders, and addicts.

    There are different types of ignorance. Calling the mayor of Baltimore incompetent due to DEI falls under the “living under a rock for several decades” type of ignorance that I have a hard time believing is common among Twitter users.

  • I guess I mean this in a relative way.

    I can talk about Star Wars and basically everyone I know has a lot of context. Most people have watched a good amount of it. Even people who are explicitly not nerds know about it. Same with most comic stuff.

    Meanwhile Star Trek is still a lot more niche. People know the bare basics of what it is, but that’s about it. With the exception of my SO, I’ve met a grand total of two people who watch it.

    Also if someone knows a lot about Star Wars or Marvel they don’t necessarily know a lot about other nerd IPs. Meanwhile the people who knew about Star Trek also knew about shit like Farscape, Dark Matter, and other IP that just gets confused looks from most people.

  • So assuming you actually have to…

    You’ll need to do something that doesn’t come up in the social zeitgeist that often, but is instantly recognizable to anyone from that era.

    Maybe talk about how a lot of the time people’s watches said different times and you didn’t know which ones were right?

    Alternatively you can share some personal anecdote that relates to well known trends at the time. Like talk about listening to smells like teen spirit while smoking cigarettes stolen from your friend’s older brother.