I got the FLCL art book from somewhere. I’ll try to remember and find my sources, but probably tomorrow since it’s late here right now.
I got the FLCL art book from somewhere. I’ll try to remember and find my sources, but probably tomorrow since it’s late here right now.
Sparty Kiss
Probably packed with tools and things, not just source code.
Do the dev tools show anything interesting? Networking calls, etc?
Some kinda Harry Dresden approved staff, assuming it doesn’t malfunction or simply blow up.
I tend to pirate and then buy later, when cheaper. Or for streaming services, I’ll download a show as it airs but then purchase the service and background the series later to add viewership.
I think of it as time shifting the sale price.
What setting for the RPM?
30s. I was learning, and could drive with little to no traffic. I have an anxiety thing where my right side tremors, and learning to drive manual with traffic would always set it off. :(
You should contact Valve especially if you have a receipt from GameStop, I feel like they’d maybe honor it?
GameStop will probably allow a swap, too. You can call and ask, laying out the details.
Sometimes I do what I call “time travelling” where I pirate first with the intention to buy later when it’s cheaper.