Expert developer, Buddhist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • America is the center of the world, hate all you want. This is the cutting edge today. Hollywood is the dominant music/media power. Silicon valley is the dominant technology power. NY is the dominant financial hub. The hippie cultural revolution was largely here, and the civil rights revolutions that inform modern morals. America spends more on military than the rest of the world combined, and therefore has massive influence

    So that’s my context for being here. I was born pretty far away in Europe, which is great in its own ways. But if you really want to play the game at the highest level, America is the place to do it. Everyone else is just trying to catch up. Or they are enjoying a happy low stress life of wine and women with a high standard of living and low inequality — which are definitely unamerican ideals XD

  •“Systemd is the future”
    13 days ago

    I guess reading the history, systemd did a better job of dependency resolution and parallel loading of startup services. Then some less interesting stuff like logins, permissions, and device management - which definitely seems out of scope. There’s been like 15 alternatives since it was made, but none of them got critical mass, and now pretty much every mainstream distro can’t run without it. Sad face

    While I’m here complaining, I really miss the days when Arch was configured from a single global file that handled many things like setting your hostname, locale, etc. I think it was dropped bc of maintenance & being not unixy enough. Kinda ironic

  •“Systemd is the future”
    13 days ago

    I mean that argument is ridiculous, saying that things are “documented” when the thing is literally called tmpfiles.d and the man page starts with the following explanation:

    It is mostly commonly used for volatile and temporary files and directories (such as those located under /run/, /tmp/, /var/tmp/, the API file systems such as /sys/ or /proc/, as well as some other directories below /var/).

    So basically some genius decided that its a good idea to reuse this system for creating non-tmp directories. Overall my opinion of systemd is reluctant acceptance though I always wondered why the old way was a problem. Need a service started on boot? Well, we had crontab and sysvinit with some plain files. Need a service shut down? Well that’s the kill command. I guess I don’t really know why systemd was made

  • Try it like this: go for a walk in nature and focus on the senses. Try to really feel yourself walking, feel the clothes on your body, the wind, the distant sounds. As things enter your perception, be grateful for them. The dogs and children, the leaves and sun. Perhaps contemplate how: (1) this sensation (of ex “dog”) feels inside you (2) the miracle of its construction, the billions of particles, the quantum effects underneath, and the orchestral perfection of its movement (3) all the relationships people have with their dogs (4) how dogs affect the entire world

    This technique gives you a large “surface area” for gratitude droplets to coalesce. With a little repetition, you can get very high doing this technique, making it fun and self reinforcing. Ultimately all sensations can be integrated into your larger self-experience, changing the small, separate identity, into a large all encompassing compassionate one

    My understanding: the fundamental skills are attention (focus/zoning in), awareness (broad attention of sensation), and gratitude (compassion/metta/love). You can train these skills whenever is the most enjoyable, including painting, dance, gardening, working out. Gratitude is the one that makes the most happiness up front, check out the “hedonic treadmill”

  • Lung@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldGoogle -> SquareSpace?
    10 months ago

    Well, I’m pretty pissed, and it feels like Google, probably the biggest Internet company, has really gone insane. I mean, a web company stops selling domains? Why? It makes total sense with their Cloud offerings and other stuff like managed Gmail/apps

    Anyway I have like a dozen domains there so I’m just going to hang in for the rollover and hopefully I don’t need to do anything. Ultimately, I use this stuff like 2ce a year so it doesn’t really matter who holds the domains for me

  • I manage like 200 servers in Google cloud k8s but I don’t think I’d do that for home use. The core purpose is to manage multiple servers and assign processes between them, auto scaling, cluster internal network - running docker containers for single instance apps for personal use doesn’t require this kind of complexity

    My NAS software has a docker thing just built into it. I can upload or specify a package and it just runs it on the local hardware. If you have a Linux shell, I guess all you really have to do is run dockerd to start the daemon, make sure your network config allows connections, and upload your docker containers to it for running

  • Really boring article. It takes like 5 pages to get to what it’s tryna say: use CRDT, which is a real time collaborative editing algo, and CRDT is awesome. Problem is internet topologies and all the weird stuff that goes on

    Take webrtc, which is exactly meant for p2p data streaming between arbitrary peers. Well, the dirty secret is that for it to work well, you usually need a TURN server, which is a centralized data relay. Unless you’re connecting over local network, the turn server serves to literally send all the webrtc data to the peers

    When you think about this some more, many many apps would be worse p2p. Think about anything with a CDN delivering video or files. Obviously you want those videos pre-replicated worldwide so that they can be served asap. Ok so p2p is only for collaboration, fine

    Next problem, there’s a good reason we all chose cloud. Even huge corps realized it would save them a ton of money to switch from their expensive private datacenters and staff. They were already paying money to some bomb shelter style server host, now they are just doing it virtually. And your engineers no longer have to drive out to wipe drives or replug wires, it’s all perfectly managed