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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


    1. A proven track record with the experience needed to lead us on.
    2. Are you friends with all of your coworkers?
    3. Reminds people that he is willing to change, adapt, accept new ideas, and acknowledges past ignorance.
    4. A racist democracy can be corrected so long as we work together. Meanwhile nothing can be done within a state established by those who do not believe in democracy (fascists).

    Biden’s a geriatric relic who doesn’t have the good sense to step aside and let the younger vanguard lead the way but fucking anyone can spin what he’s said after the fact in whatever way they want. Doesn’t mean that spin isn’t a wild reach, just like yours.

  • Children are not autonomous and are beholden to another citizen for their existence. That’s a civic relationship too easy to abuse with, what I see to be, very little net benefit.

    I’m in support of not taxing children, but how will you distinguish an intentional purchase made by a child vs a purchase made on behalf of someone else for the benefit of a tax-free purchase?