u/nexusband on Reddit

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It is in Sweden, Finland, California, Italy and now Germany. (Although in a different form, called HVO, which is Diesel from garbage (even plastic) and needs roughly 1,5 kWh per Liter)

    The “waste” is irrelevant, if it’s made from power that could not have been used anyway, because it was made in a remote part of the world. We’re still a long, long way away from a global power grid. That power would have to be converted anyway - and we do have all the infrastructure ready to go for that liquid stuff.

  • If you’re going to include the environmental impacts of the one-time lithium extraction (which are usually exaggerated anyway), you must also include the decades of environmental impact of petroleum exploration and extraction.

    And that’s where your argument falls flat, because we are not talking about the past, we’re talking about the future and making it a better one. EVs are a part of that future, but not “the only” thing in that future.

    You don’t get to count just the cost of burning the fuel either. You must include the of searching for new deposits, setting up extraction infrastructure, infrastructure for logistics for shipping all the raw then refined goods, and possibly even the costs and geopolitical impacts of war for securing petroleum interests globally.

    You missed the point completely.

    In fairness, I would also include the cost for electricity generation as a cost for BEVs for an apples-to-apples comparison. Electricity generation (transmission and distribution) will vary widely but we have these metrics for the USA at least. In extreme cases, there are BEVs charged with rooftop solar, which would SERIOUSLY undermine your argument about ICE vehicles being a better ecological choice.

    No - they wouldn’t, for the simple fact, that zero co2 stays zero co2. They can be on par with a small battery, but everything above 60 kWh needs more than 15 tonnes of co2 to be even produced, making the rucksack impossible to get rid off. A current Golf needs around 9t of Co2 to be produced, a current ID.3 needs 14t

    So if both cars are “fueld” with energy that has zero co2 emissions, the ID.3 keeps it’s 5 tonnes deficit.

  • Even then: ICE cars with synthetic, co2 neutral fuel are even better, than new EVs. And then there’s the argument, that a hunk of aluminium with pistons is “cheaper” (in terms of ecological impact) than lithium. Because the EV also needs aluminium, the production of aluminium is going to go down the route of co2 neutral anyway. So a mix of both things and especially EVs with smaller batteries makes a lot more sense…(which has also been proven with various studies, but who gives two flying things about that these days)

  • So when ever he seems others struggling, he will add oil to the fire to make them more miserable. He can not stand how every other country around him progressed and grew and was successful, but he was not able to because of his bad leadership. He will drag down everyone around him, so nobody can see how low he is. It is a distraction at this point. If he can not be a successful and loved leader, nobody should. The russian way to deal with complexes. And Trump is the same. They love destroying things if they can not get praise for their low efforts.

    Sadly, that counts for a lot of Russians as well. I’ve grown up with Russians, that got out in the very early 90s. They where probably the most lovable people I knew. Extremely friendly, very open and fair.

    Nowadays, most Russians that come out of Russia are not that. They do exactly what you describe. To everything and everyone.

  • Coincidentally, I too, have ADHD. Oftentimes, I can envision the general shape of somewhat complex solutions. And either they don’t see it as simple, don’t understand it, don’t understand the point, or can’t see it at all. Now sure, sometimes I come up with idiotic ideas that make no sense once I know more. But not always.

    Ha! I know what you mean :D I do too^^

    I have found it is easy for some of us to get spun up about the sorts of things you mention. Like “omg how can you use Windows 11 with all the ads and whatever”. The kind of stuff we rant about on Lemmy. And yeah I think people don’t care a lot.

    Yeah…there are lot’s of things i get spun up :D

    Sometimes it is because they have other more pressing priorities. I’ve had to learn that well in my infosec career. It is easy for me to fixate on something important to me. But if a person is just trying to get through the day (I mean, let’s be honest, I am struggling to do that), raising a kid, paying the bills, and so forth, then they have better things to do than fret about an OS and try to find time to learn Linux or cough up the fortune required to buy a Mac or whatever.

    Same lessons in Infrastructure (although, i have to admit i’m not trying to get through the day, i’ve had a lot of help throughout the years to get a grip on my ADHD except some occasional very heavy distractibility and chaotic thoughts)…but i still except some very basic 1+1…sometimes even that is too much asked. I mean, if you can click a damn start menu on Windows, i can expect you to click it on Linux as well, even if the Icon is a little different, it’s still only a damn menu! ;)

    Sometimes they can’t seem to forsee the potential consequences. Either they just are incapable–my original point above–or, in some cases, they don’t have any practice imagining what bad people could try if they wanted to. Maybe due to ADHD and anxiety I had a lot of practice imagining bad outcomes. (Maybe that’s an evolutionary advantage of ADHD lol). I suspect about half my team has ADHD and I think that’s common in the industry lol.

    Personally, i think my Star Trek addiction helped me a lot in those terms, because i always try to imagine the best possible outcome first and then go down the rabbit hole and tell myself “Well, there’s still a chance!”. Which is also why i try to imagine that in most people, there’s still some good left (there are exceptions…Trump and his cronies being some) - but i agree with you, that most people have lost the ability to just “imagine”. Personally, i also think that’s why the overall state is not that great, because with loosing the ability to imagine things, people also lost the ability to dream. Problem solving, imagining and dreaming are all things that are heavily interconnected and interwoven. I also am of the firm believe, that one advantage of ADHD is that the ability to shape our imagining “as we go”, because “we” can flip between numerous possible outcomes pretty damn fast. And so on. Just a little tip: Try to imagine more “good” outcomes as well - just in case ;)

    Nice to find someone with similar experiences! Helps to know I’m not crazy or at least not crazy alone 🤪

    Same :) And no - you are not crazy and you are not crazy alone :D

  • And I started wondering, could this ability to imagine how things will turn out be much rarer than I ever imagined?

    Yes - it is. As someone with ADHD and in my mid 30’s now, i have wondered the same thing quite often, because a lot of times solutions to complex problems seem extremely easy to me, where people around me are absolutely baffled by me calling a solution very simple and easy.

    I started wondering the same thing a few years back and came to the conclusion: Most people don’t care. I’ve had quite a few very recent discussions about various issues about consumers needing to be more educated and able to make decisions on what they buy. Every time i bring this up, i realize that even these simple things are too much for most people.