Absolutely! I grapple with that all the time. I love having fun and traveling and having cool stuff. It’s fun having some money you’re not afraid to spend.
You deserve it, you’re the one who got yourself to where you’re at. At the end of the day do what’s right for you, just maybe spend a little bit less over the years and instead put it toward the end game.
As time goes on, sitting on ass collecting interest and being able to live off that interest comfortably will be awesome, and if you were able to live it up the whole time is priceless. Treat your now self and future self, but future self likely won’t regret now self traveling etc. (so long as you’re not doing illegal tax evasion and damaging your body long term lol)
Not what out of pocket means, out of pocket means that you will be personally covering expenditures
e.g. “I broke the company monitor so I will be coming out of pocket to replace it”
Actually now that I think about it, your usage comes from the AAVE usage so it’s valid. Whoops