nickwitha_k (he/him)

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • I don’t have any experience with resin printers yet but have been poking around at FDM for the better part of a decade. In that price range (for FDM), I’d likely suggest a Creality K1C. It is not going to likely match the BambuLab printers but it’s a great departure from previous by Creality, requiring little to no tinkering to make it work. If you can spare around $1k, and don’t care about proprietary stuff, BambuLab X1 series is about the most turnkey that I know of. But, again, the Creality is (surprisingly) right there too with the K1C.

    Note: It is probably possible to get similar results with mods to a K1 or K1Max - the nozzle brush seems to be critical to the K1C’s reliability.

  • Yeah. That’s absolutely fair. I would honestly recommend BambuLab for about anyone looking for a turnkey solution (supposing that they have the funds). For me, it’s a primarily philosophical/personal thing.

    I will say though that this new gen of printers is pretty incredible and getting to the point of nearly practical for non-3d printer enthusiasts. Even the K1C is remarkably functional out of the box. It didn’t need any mods to print accurately and reliability. The nozzle brush relocation mod, spool relocation mod, and full-fledged Klipper are not necessary - I just prefer textured PEI (no glue stick needed), easy spool changes, and the Mainsail UI (and customizability).

    Something that I’ll also give BambuLab, beyond their slick AMS, is their inspiration of more work on forks of PrusaSlicer. I switched to OrcaSlicer with the new printer, after being on Cura forever and the use experience is absolutely incredible.

  • I got a K1C a few months back and am buying but delighted with it. I came from a gen 1 Ender 3 with a warped bed. The only complaints that I’ve had are that the spool relocation included should include relocation of the runout sensor and the nozzle cleaner should not be part of the build plate (fixable with an easy mod).

    Closed source firmware on a 3d printer is just a non-starter for me. Even if the printer were 10x or 100x better, I’m not dropping that kind of dough on something that will leave me screwed if the manufacturer decides to enshitify or goes bankrupt.

  • By acting as a man-in-the-middle with the ability to read unencrypted message data (absolutely required in order to try to match against known CSAM), this is absolutely providing a backdoor as well as undermining privacy and security. By needing to trust another party, there is now a greater threat surface which is outside of end user control. One compromised account with access to that third-party is all it would take to extract private details from any messages, undetected, whether for sale on there blackmarket or for suppressing political dissidents, that’s exactly where this would go and we know this because state actors have been caught doing it and getting their toolkits leaked to criminals.

    This kind of law doesn’t make children or regular people any safer.

  • Are you autistic by any chance ? … Please go see a therapist, please.

    Actually, quite likely on the spectrum and diagnosed with ADHD (this is a major contributor to my verbosity, so apologies if it comes across as a big rant). I do have a therapist indeed and have found it very helpful - highly recommend it if you’re in need. Not sure why this is relevant.

    Maybe we’re hitting a bit of an “impedence mismatch” here. I suspect, partly as you’re coming through from an Aussie instance that it may be partly due to a lack of context on how fucked things are, labor-wise in the States. Healthcare here is tied to one’s employment, intentionally. It is technically possible to get insurance through a public exchange but, practically speaking, it’s not going to do much, especially if one has chronic or severe health problems. Also, we have very poor protections against firings and layoffs (most US labor contracts are pretty well one-sided).

    Is work the purpose of my life? Fuck no. I have, however, been repeatedly screwed over, job-wise, by things outside of my control (Recession, offshoring, mergers, untreated ADHD). It is pretty awful, if you haven’t yourself, I recommend giving the experience a pass. This has made me acutely aware of the impact that my actions can have on others, not just the immediate but also the secondary and tertiary impacts. I’m also the primary income for my household, so, that rather raises the stakes a bit.

    Put these things together with the fact that I now have have coworkers who will literally die without medical care (insurance through work - so cancer patients have to have a job or a spouse with great coverage) and it should paint a good picture for someone with a healthy dose of empathy. Because of how labor is structured in the US, screwing up in a manner that has a big impact on the company means that I could be killing someone indirectly. Should that kind of thing be an employee’s responsibility? No. But that’s the reality of it. Actions have consequences within the system that one operates in, fair or not.

    As for cybersecurity, somewhat fair. I’m not fixated on it but do definitely have a more significant interest than most. With the overall increase in cyberattacks on companies, states, and individuals, I’d recommend everyone being more security conscious.

  • Weird seeming personal attack there. In case it is defensiveness from a perceived attack from myself, that’s not what was intended. My intent was to point out the potential consequences of viewing it in such a seemingly myopic way.

    • Job hunting and stigma: If one’s accounts are found to be the cause of a breach, and it is found to be due to negligence, there’s a good chance of that resulting in a firing. Being fired due to security-related negligence is likely to make it a challenge to get past screening when hunting for a job (that’s what I mean by stigma). And finally, job hunting fucking sucks, in my opinion.

    • Screwing over co-workers: You don’t have to be friends to care about how your action or inaction impacts others. Being the cause of a breach has a real possibility of getting people laid off, if the scope is significant. Maybe less of a big deal if you’re in most countries outside of the US but, here, the ramifications are pretty substantial. For example, I work with several people who are undergoing chemotherapy or who have spouses needing medical care. If laid off, health insurance evaporates and now they literally cannot afford the treatments necessary to live. Others have mortgages or rent to pay. Execs are not even going to entertain the idea of taking on the responsibility that is claimed to be the reason for their absurd pay.

    Yes, it is healthy to set boundaries between your work life and personal life and to leave work at work. But, like I said, noone is an island, our actions in our work life can have profound impacts on others.

  • I would argue: Anti-work is everyone having the choice of living like a king and eating Doritos and nobody doing hard work, if they don’t want to.

    Some people enjoy and get great satisfaction from hard work. Most people are inclined to do some form of work (including creative) rather than be completely idle. They should be allowed to do so, if they wish.