• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I’m no expert. I want to include that disclaimer up front.

    Nextcloud with block storage on btrfs with snapshots seems like it could work for you. No idea about VFS though. I’ll leave that question for someone more knowledgeable. The “drive” portion of Nextcloud is quite decent. I regularly use it to pass large files between my phone (Android), laptop (Linux) and gaming desktop (Windows).

  • Fair point. I wonder if they could do something like “x volts or less” OR “governed at x mph” rather then both. This would allow say a 20 mph cargobike with a powerful engine, while not allowing 150lb fatbikes going 40 down the trail. At the same time, light bikes that have low voltage motors can enjoy mild assist up to speeds they would otherwise be able to achieve with muscle power alone by peddling on a slight grade.

    My main bike is a 35-40lb ebike with a 250v motor. It’s class 3, so it cuts out at 30mph, but because its so light and the assist is so mild, it fits better with bikes than motorcycles. Peddling on flat ground, you’re lucky to get it to 20 without buns of steel. It’s much lighter and less assisted than even a run of the mill ebike, but it’s not legal to ride on most paths.

    Having said that, I ring my bell whenever I pass someone and I limit my speed on multi-use paths. I’m not causing problems, but the proposed solution impacts riders like me. I think ebikes will continue to have grey zones in my area because we have excellent grade seperated multi use paths, but riding in the street is like taking your Fisher Price tricycle to the destruction derby.

    The point about the insurance is valid though. Personally, mine is insured as an “electric motorcycle” for about $100/yr. with liability, collision, and theft. I’ve thankfully never had to use it. I certainly think I’m an outlier for insuring my bike.

  • I generally agree with the ethos of it. Bicycles are the most efficient machine ever invented and we’re just adding a little power assist to flatten the hills. We dont need cars and they actually have tons of negative externalities especially climate related ones.

    Paired with BRT with level boarding and in-car bike racks we could easily make a whole city bikeable basically overnight. Even suburban areas could support transit routes because the bikeshed (distance people are willing to bike from) of the stops would grow significantly.

    Imagine biking 5 miles through a car free suburbia leftover from the days of cars. You go to a bus or train stop and roll right on with your bike. You are downtown in 15 min on bus rapid transit due to the 100% signal priority at junctions. You roll right off and into the street and bime another 5 miles to your destination. That’s 10 miles of biking each way. Totally doable on a muscle bike; many untrained, largely idle, people could do this on an ebike. People with accessibility needs would have a be more likely to ride it on an ebike. I’ve done something very similar in Germany 10-15 years ago. People are scared to give up their cars, or even to just use them less, but it’s actually a bit more like this.

    No car registration, cheaper insurance, less road wear, less pollution, less loud traffic, can walk in the street with no cars for minutes at a time, drunk drivers are on a lighter vehicle and if they get too drunk there is a higher chance of them falling over than mowing down kids and a crossing guard, an extra room the size of a 2 car garage in many homes, much smaller roads with much more green space and plants in cities, kids are actually able to go places, less taxes on roads, less time at the DMV, no need to go to gas stations, less need to go to the gym, better health even with moderate use, see more places, social sphere is more accessible than inside a car, less road rage, don’t have to spend tens of thousands of dollars every decade or so to buy a new car (assuming you’re 30 and live to 70 that’s very conservatively an extra $100k you can spend on a hobby or life goal), no parking lots, and so much more.

    Pick a day. Give everyone an ebike. Ban cars. Save millions. Save Lives. Save the earth.

  • I’ve never been able to fully transition away from the proprietary TickTick tasks. Nothing seems to have the features I’m accustomed too. Then again, I’m on a dysfunctional task non-management spree right now, so maybe when I get my shit together I’ll try again. For context, I use a modified version of the GTD strategy to keep track of my todos.

    Before TickTick I used Astrid. When Astrid tasks was bought and killed by Yahoo, I thought they were over, although it seems there is a fork https://github.com/tasks/tasks (GPL 3.0) that also syncs with tasks.org. I haven’t done thorough testing yet to see what kind of issues I would have using this new Astrid and Nextcloud, but this is the best open solution I’ve been able to come up with and its been on my project shelf for over a year waiting to be tested.

    For calendar, nextcloud synced with Thunderbird and a proprietary phone app (I know… I know) seems to work well for me. My partner uses icloud and it generally interoperates fine. I even have a raspberry pi in the living room that pulls in everyone’s calendar and overlays them as a “family calendar”

  • Great graphic and thank you for sharing.

    Now let’s filter out bots, low quality trolls, NPCs, and content that isn’t easily searchable. It’s definitely an interesting diagram, and, though it is fascinating, I think its a 1 dimensional view of the social space.

    I prefer to engage around ideas and topics, rather than specific users or content producers, so having a good search and topic based boards or groups immediately puts a site miles ahead for me. Reddit and Lemmy excel at this, but some of the others leave a lot to be desired. As someone who used FB to organize and manage a topic based social group in real life, with a Facebook group of 1000+ participants, FB has some good groups, but the interface is absolute rubbish and I would migrate to just about anything else if I could get people to move.

    I guess my point is that we lump these together as “social media”, but that’s a broad category that holds some very distinct subcategories that excel at very different things.