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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • A computer with lists of winning lottery numbers, stock prices by day of all major companies, archived copies of webpages or, preferably, scanned in newspaper articles of all world events from 1999 until now, and lists of every politician and individual with net worths over $300 million.

    Also patents for LCD screens, the microchips in use in the 10’s and now, the efficient solar panels China cranks out if I can get a hold of that information, modern efficient wind turbines, etc. Also important scientific papers written between then and now, especially for Ozempic and Wegovy.

    Also, this might be the one practical use for dumb shit like Chat GPT and its ilk, so we’re bringing along a couple of GPUs and copies of each major open source AI I can scramble up.

    I use this information to:

    1. Hopefully prevent 9/11

    2. Become filthy fucking rich

    3. Infiltrate the elite and start bumping off motherfuckers one by one Count of Monte Cristo style

    4. Distribute my ill gotten gains to the masses and use the rest to stop climate collapse


  • You are making a fool of yourself.

    Are you sure?

    You’re literally the one in this thread right now gossiping to other people about me, directly in front of me where I can see, accusing me of being a sugar addict because I said I went back to eating donuts and drinking Coke because I didn’t like eating Mediterranean.

    You’re clearly the angry, spiteful one here proving to everyone that everything I am saying is right with your immature, abusive behavior. See herein:

    It’s no wonder you struggle so hard with respecting obese people – and people who consume sugar in general – as adults making their own choices. You clearly aren’t capable of being mature so why would you assume anyone else would be? And you clearly don’t understand that we who are fatter than pig shit are self-aware and happy with ourselves because we accept ourselves as we are, and that’s why we can laugh and joke about ourselves. You misconstrued it to mean something negative because you have a negative image of fat people in your mind, and that’s why you label us as sugar addicts. Because you don’t like us. Because you’re afraid of becoming one of us. Because you’re an immature child who can’t grow the fuck up.

    That absolutely is a you problem though. I’ll be over here enjoying my ribs slathered in the sweetest, spiciest barbecue sauce I can find. And unlike you, I’ll clearly be happier. 😎

  • Oh Jesus Christ 🤦

    No, Karen, someone telling you no, we actually are making the choice to live this way is not evidence that we are addicts and have no agency. It’s evidence that we do.

    But it is not surprising at all you would flat-out disrespect the very same people you’re trying to justify stripping of their autonomy because the truth is, you’re just a fatphobic authoritarian and for people like you, one of your core principles is a lack of respect for other people’s rights, boundaries and choices.

    Because if I wasn’t an addict, I would not still be eating donuts and drinking Cokes, right?

    It couldn’t possibly be a personal choice or anything.

    The world is black and white and only sane people do the correct things and anyone who deviates from that is defective – a drug addict, mentally ill – and therefore needs their choices made for them by others to live the correct lifestyle.

    And fuck our rights. Fuck our autonomy. Fuck our happiness.

    Those numbers on the surgeon general’s charts need to come down and you don’t give a fuck who you have to trample over to make that happen.

    That is you and how you think, and it is why obese people like myself just dismiss you, and go back to drinking Cokes and eating donuts. Those of us who are foolish enough to listen to you are the ones who suffer self-esteem problems. Those who aren’t just laugh you off, or shake their heads at witnessing the further degradation of lack of respect for human rights you are putting wildly on display right now.

    So, until you’re willing to accept what I tell you at face value because I am the authority on my own choices and not you, there’s no point in furthering this discussion.

    You need to dominate and assert control over other people and you’ll prove it by taking the last word like you desperately need to, so go ahead. I’m not gonna waste any more time with you.

    I’m literally obese and you don’t want to listen? That’s 100% a you problem. Go look for a real addict to save.