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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • The worst thing for a tankie like me was running here to get away from the insane msn-pilled discourse, finding some actual leftists, only to have have leredditors chase me down sayin’ i am following them.

    Uh…tankies and leftists are not the same thing (though the liberals on Political Memes don’t seem to understand the difference). Tankies are authoritarian-apologists. It was coined by British communists who wanted to differentiate themselves from pro-Soviet communists (specifically, communists who were defending the Soviets sending tanks into Hungary). In the modern sense, it’s used to describe communists who defend authoritarian socialist or communist states. If you don’t feel compelled to justify Stalinism, the Tiananmen Square massacre, or the Uyghur genocide, you’re probably not a tankie.

  • pjwestin@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemmy.worldIf it works, kill it.
    2 months ago

    Yeah, this was the only Google product that I really liked, and of course they’re killing it just to force people to use YouTube Music. AntennaPod is an open-source alternative that functions very similarly, I’ve been using it for a couple of months now and I’m very happy with it.

  • Thank you! Like, this isn’t how foriegn influence campaigns work. Believing the jerk you’re arguing with is a Russian agent might make you feel like you’re in a Tom Clancy novel, but the odds are it’s just a dweeb with multiple accounts. Foriegn influence campaigns make sock-puppets to repeat the same 5 talking points on as many communities as possible, and maybe have a few canned replies. They don’t fight with the same person in a 20 reply thread over the course of 2 days.

  • To be honest, I don’t think your cat thinks about things the way you’re thinking about them. Your behavior has shown your cat that you’re safe, so your cat isn’t afraid of you. If you start acting aggressive or scary it will treat you like a threat and fight or flight based on what it decides in the moment, but that’s about it. It’s not thinking, “this giant ape could kill me if it wanted, I’m glad it’s my friend,” it just has a positive association with you based on your pattern of behavior.

    Also, cats social cues aren’t as obvious as dogs, but if you don’t know what you’re cats thinking, here are some clues: is your cat walking around with its tail up a lot, usually curled at the top like a little question mark? Your cat feels super happy and confident in it’s territory (AKA your house). Does it ever look at you and narrow or close it’s eyes and look away, sorta like it’s nodding off? Your cat is saying it trusts you enough to let it’s gaurd down, it’s basically a cat hug.

    Edit: cat tax.

  • This sounds like pretty aggressive dachshund and a very complacent housecat, and I doubt things would play out this way most of the time. Short legged dogs like dachshunds and corgis are bread for going into holes and burrows and dragging whatever lives down there out, while cats are climbers and jumpers that like to find a high perch. Plus cats are better sprinters than dachshunds with reflexes better than most snakes. I’m not saying that a cat would, “win in a fight,” with a dachshund, that’s a pretty human way of thinking about things, but the average dachshund would be lucky to get anywhere near an adult cat, much less kill it.

  • God, comments like this are so embarrassing. If you want to dismiss everyone critical of the Democrats as a troll, fine, but you honestly think that Lemmy is being infiltrated by foriegn agitators sewing discord? They could be using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, or YouTube, but they’re wasting their efforts on a site that just hit 50,000 daily active users? You would honestly rather believe that a percentage of these people are foreign agents rather than people who just don’t agree with you?

    Foreign election interference is a real, serious threat to our democracy and you’re not helping to fight it by accusing every online rando of being in league with Russia or China. You’re doing to election interference what Qanon did to child trafficking; you’re making it look ridiculous to serious people.