• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023

  • It’s the same error regardless of whether I connect by tailscale IP (100.x.x.x) or the tailscale hostname, and it strongly suggests an issue on the Synology, but everything looks correct on the NAS (but I am by NO MEANS an expert):

    mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting $IP:/volume1/$mount

    1. Declaring the NFS mount in my NixOS configuration; also tried manually mounting via

    sudo mount -o nfs $TAILSCALEHOSTNAME:/$MOUNT /mnt/$MOUNT (with some options like no auto, but I’m doing this from memory)

    1. I’ll try but I have some idea that it won’t respond to ping
    2. I will try in a moment
    3. yes, on the local network (192.168.x.x) — and for the record I allowed access to the NFS share via the tailscale subnet

    The error I am receiving differs depending on whether I’m connecting via CLI or, say, Nautilus but I’ll have to collect the errors when I’m back at the laptop.

  • Please stay to the end because it’s important, and it’s going to be a horrible bait and switch but it’s not INTENDED that way. I can’t think of another way to present the difficult combination of interests that seem to be driving MS software lately.

    I actually quite like Windows 11, and I love Edge when they’re doing their core functions. Windows 11 is reasonably solid and useful for normal use. Edge is faster than Chrome and has the best vertical tabs implementation on the planet. Much of the baseline software that Microsoft is putting out has never been better, and is often really good at doing the basic things software should do. I really do feel like the genuine technology people in Microsoft are trying, and often succeeding, to make good technology products.

    But… the bottom-feeder marketing drones and MBAs got their hands on them and started layering creepier and creepier nonsense over the top. Mandatory logins to glorified data collection engines. Monetization strategies masquerading as features. Overt advertisement. Heavy-handed promotion of Microsoft’s own products. I finally stopped using Edge (on Linux!) when I discovered that just looking at the settings the wrong way would re-enable every intrusive setting imaginable and ditched Windows entirely when I saw the same things creeping into the OS (as well as a general disgust with privately-owned OSes in general). They are destroying trust.

    In the great irony of my life, because normally work PC Windows installs have been hot garbage, I have Win11 on a work laptop and it’s actually really great to use since all of the intrusive stuff is turned off by our security team. I would still prefer linux or macos (in that order), but as a “forced to use it” option, it’s not bad at all. Go back and read that again: it’s a pleasant and easy to use OS if all the intrusive marketing functionality is turned off because it presents a security hazard.

    PS. Not sacrificing anything being predominantly linux-based and am in fact far, far more efficient on linux (and I am not a programmer or in any other technology role).

  • It’s a fair warning, but on my M2 MBA the only things that don’t work are the microphone and some elements of graphics acceleration. I keep macos on a tiny partition for firmware updates and, I guess, to recover in the event of a catastrophic failure, but … it’s been rock solid. Most of the software I use has compatible builds, which might be the most surprising part.

  • pukeko@lemm.eetoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.ml tankie censorship problem
    28 days ago

    Keeping in mind that “knowing and believing what they do” is itself a perilous notion because one of them might be a “Post-Madrid 1933 purple throated” Marxist while another might be a “Modernist new path” Marxist (I made those terms up). I mean I know “lol factions” is an old discussion with the farthest left, but they can’t even agree with each other.

  • pukeko@lemm.eetoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.ml tankie censorship problem
    29 days ago

    Whenever this topic comes up, I find myself wondering what these folks do all day. Not in a Boomer “don’t these people have jobs?!?” way, but more … what is it like to be them? Do they just sit in front of the computer looking for conversations to disrupt? What is their daily existence? Because I find their volume and dedication to what they do fascinating. Cancerous and absurd, but also fascinating.

  • pukeko@lemm.eetoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldAnytype Selfhosted
    2 months ago

    Obsidian, logseq, and others work natively with markdown files that are almost cross-compatible and can be edited and used in any text editor. Things like back linking may not be present in that case (of using a plain text editor) but it doesn’t disappear from the file.

    Roam uses a proprietary format but exports to markdown.