• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Let’s be fair to Minty, she has commandeered the car to go and pick you up at the cart stop because while she doesn’t understand your need to return it you are powerful and valuable to her (for the time being at least).

    Edit: Also Astarion is mildly offended that you brought up the topic of returning the cart rather than leaving it in the parking lot angled down hill/wind to the most expensive car in the lot.

  • Depends on the build, for an EK with Tavern Brawler you just won’t find better than the Returning Pike in two handed. Though late game the Dwarven Thrower (works for any race with Disguise Self) and Orphic Hammer are both crazy good versatile weapons.

    GWM though. Early game I have to go with Doom Hammer. There are too many enemies vulnerable to bludgeoning damage and almost none that are resistant or immune. Plus the status to prevent healing shuts down so many boss abilities. Late game it gets outclassed by Balduran’s Giantslayer, the Hellfire Greataxe, and Silver Sword of the Astral Plane depending on the build.

  • I’ve completed two Honor Mode runs and the only thing I still haven’t done is kill those two friggin Cambions in the tutorial fight. It’s not too much more difficult than tactician, but the more restrictive action economy makes the round limit and increased HP more difficult to work through. Best I’ve done is get the last one down to 12 HP before the ship crashes.

    The rest isn’t much more difficult than Tactician though. A couple of Legendary Actions and the single save restriction are more of an annoyance than difficulty increase.

    For builds: Thief Rogue 4/Swords Bard 6/Fighter 2(MC or Astarion), Eldritch Knight 11/War Cleric 1(Lae’zel) or Wildheart Barbarian 8/Thief Rogue 4(Karlach), Light Cleric 11/Tempest Sorcerer 1(Shadowheart), and Abjuration Wizard 10/White Draconic Sorcerer 1/Tempest Cleric 1(Gale) make really short work of everything from lvl 5-6 on. There are less than 10 encounters in the game that this party can’t finish in 3 rounds at that point.