
  • 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023

  • I dual boot on my primary/desktop PC, and only run Linux on my laptop and Steam Deck.

    I find more often times than not, I feel like I’m either fighting with Windows or it does these small but annoying things that when added up tend to really get on my nerves. For example, one thing that I’ve been running into a lot (and happened earlier today) is if I put my computer to sleep while its booted into Windows, it’ll randomly decide to wake itself up for who knows what reason - flooding my room with light often times while I’m trying to sleep or relax. It does it enough where I should by now remember to just physically turn off my monitors when I put my computer to sleep, but why should I have to? The 95% of the time that I’m booted into Linux, if I put my computer to sleep it stays asleep until I explicitly wake it up, and thus I haven’t formed a habit to turn the displays off.

    The only reason why I even keep Windows around on this PC is to occasionally play Destiny 2 and some VR stuff with friends every now and then.

  • Just ran into this exact problem this morning which was incredibly frustrating. Performed a routine system update, and I’m pretty sure I had a kernel panic (all input was non responsive, couldn’t even switch to a tty) in the middle of pacman’s upgrade phase.

    While I was able to chroot into my install and reinstall the kernel, half of my system’s packages were left in an inconsistent state so I still couldn’t properly boot - and so I just nuked my root subvolume and reinstalled Arch (I suspect I could’ve somehow got the packages reinstalled if I wrangled for a while with pacman but it was just easier to reinstall at this point).

    Atomic distros like Bazzite are designed to prevent that exact situation I ran into, unfortunately I just haven’t had enough time or energy to try to make my own custom image that has what I need in it (got kind of close with NixOS but that had its own issues), otherwise I’d probably be running that.

  • I’m a bit upset at my GI’s office, I was supposed to have a follow up appointment with them on May, then they rescheduled it for August due to a conflict with the doctor’s schedule, and now they’ve called me again to say they need to reschedule it again for the same reason…

    I would love to switch doctors, but there aren’t many GIs in the area that I live (that I haven’t already been to, its been a horrendous battle) - missed their call so I’m not sure how far out the scheduling is now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if its nothing sooner than October…

    So, I’m off to a great start today. Hopefully that is the only negative thing that occurs today.

  • I haven’t tried it myself, but I believe the OC is referring to the webcam USB mode that Pixels (idk if this is an Android feature or a “Pixel” feature) have. To enable it, connect over USB then you’ll have a notification along the lines of “Charging this device over USB”.

    If you click that notification it’ll let you enable Webcam over USB mode, which I assume just causes the phone to act as any other webcam device would.

  • The dentist office is definitely my least favorite doctor/medical office to go to, but it is so worth it when that pain that has been driving you insane for months is finally over with!

    I had a friend who told me his dentist recommended he had his wisdom teeth removed, and it had been over a year since he was told that. I explained to him that its best to just get it taken care of as quickly as possible and getting the appointment booked before it starts bothering him, since once that pain starts occurring it gets intense very fast - and I don’t know about other places, but there is always a very long wait time (3+ months) to get an appointment for the dentist (let alone an oral surgeon) and you do not want to have to deal with that pain for that long… nothing comes close to taking the edge off of it…

    Funnily enough, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon, I’m getting some fillings done that are certainly overdue.

  • AFAIK the inbox analogy that the previous user wrote applies on an instance level, so in your example the LW admin would still see it (assuming it was against a LW user or something in one of their communities, I believe).

    The “mark report as resolved” option doesn’t federate to other instances, if that makes sense. It’ll mark it as resolved for that whole instance (so a community mod won’t see the report anymore once an admin from that instance marks it as resolved and vice versa), but not other instances.

    At least, that’s as far as I understand it, don’t quote me on that 😅

  • Yes, unfortunately. It’s something that I’m working on with multiple doctors and practitioners, and so far we’ve gone through some of the usual suspects (Vitamin D levels, checking thyroid function, making sure I wasn’t diabetic - already had my doubts on that one but I’m not the one with the medical degree I suppose…, etc).

    My mental health isn’t always the best, so I’m trying to get that worked on as well because bad mental health can cause lethargy and chronic fatigue (it’s a two-way street though, the reverse applies too)… Unfortunately a lot of mental health meds have fatigue as a side effect which doesn’t help my case. It also doesn’t help that I have Crohn’s disease, and any autoimmune/chronic condition in general can also cause chronic fatigue.

    I don’t know, I still feel like the root cause of it is an imbalance of something, but that’s my best “gut instinct” guess - I have nothing concrete to base that off of. It feels like all of the things I’m trying are just attempting to “brute force” the issues away, rather than treating whatever is the root cause, but I digress… All I know is, it feels like the game was rigged against me from the start.

  • Context switching is the reason why. There’s “downtime” where I work at because of the times I work (night time / I believe its called a “graveyard” shift). However, its never nothing for the whole shift, its intermittent. So lets say I decided to play a game (or work on a personal project, or any other number of things) I’d have to get into the mindset of whatever I’m doing, then see that a ticket has come in, switch my mindset back, answer the ticket and perform the work required for the ticket… and then switch back again.

    As @toomanypancackes said in their reply, I honestly just either want to go back to bed, or not have to worry about work and do my own thing (uninterrupted). Those aren’t options unfortunately, so I’m just left to be in that weird purgatory of “There’s not a lot of work to be done, but there’s some every so often… so I can’t completely go away”. I prefer it over it being absolutely slammed with tickets because that’s just exhausting.

    Every so often I’ll put on a rerun of a show since it doesn’t matter if I “get into” the show or not, but actually doing something significant isn’t usually an option unless its actually dead during my hours.

  • This isn’t a problem of Lemmy itself in terms of the software, so I’m not sure it qualifies… But, I find that Lemmy still has the same problem of Reddit where if you say something that the majority of users disagree with, prepare to be torn apart in the comments. And I do not just mean by getting corrected on something you said being factually incorrect, I mean more of a “your opinion is wrong because…”

    For example, any discussion revolving around Linux (and let me just prepend this by saying I am a Linux user), if you happen to prefer using Windows be prepared to be told all of the reasons why you have to use Linux instead. And that’s usually tame compared to what I’ve seen on other subjects.

    Obviously there are cases where yeah, you absolutely deserve to be torn a new one in the extreme cases when someone is actually being truly vile, such as trying to advocate for the harm of someone/a group of people - but the “extremes” are not what I’m really referring to here.

    I’ve blocked a lot of users that while I’ve had no interaction with them, I see how they are clearly engaging in, let’s just say, bad faith with others.

    In terms of software-specific issues, I can’t say that I really have had a lot of problems with Lemmy itself as of recently. As an instance owner, I used to have a lot of weird (what seemingly appeared to be, at least) random federation issues, but I haven’t seen any federation problems in a while now. Though just today I swear I submitted a comment somewhere, and its just poof not there - not even locally, but I’m chalking that one up to something I’ve done (whether a misclick, or I’m just hallucinating as badly as an LLM) rather than an actual issue.