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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Never heard anyone getting payed for donating anything in Germany. You can get an compensation for expenses, yes. But this is not supposed to be a payment for your donation, it is supposed to compensate for your expenses. For example: Finding a babysitter or paying for bus, train, gas. Sometimes you have to make a medical examination beforehand, which also can take some time.

    The German Red Cross for example explicitly doesn’t pay the donors so nobody gets the wrong idea and tries to donate as much and often at the cost of their own health.

    I think the idea that a compensation is equal to a payment is flawed beyond reason. If someone has a problem with any organisation misusing donations for profit, they should (rightfully) engage in changing the law. Categorically not donating at all is…well it’s just selfish and stupid.

  • Pretty personal stuff. But I will try and keep that part short. She got a diagnosis. Nothing world ending but nothing pleasant either. And the only thing she could think of was ice cream. Again, the details are nobody’s business. So I fast forward to the important part. She processed the whole stuff while I was still trying to hold a grasp. She is way stronger and more mature than I. Her positive attitude is not an act, it is her very being. I on the other hand flip my shit when I catch the flu.

  • As of now? It is extremely close to DnD. I mean it is DnD and the devs made sure it felt like playing the original. I like the fact that I barely have to look up anything when I level up. Because I still remember what skills are good or not from my time playing and DMing. Also the game looks great, sounds great and the companions are a delight (except that goody two shoes killjoy Wyll).

    Oh and you have a lot of freedom. Freedom to fuck up and suffer the consequences. Which I enjoy very much!

  • I can even pinpoint from where I got it this time. My gf is a midwife and she (almost certainly) in turn got it from a woman giving birth. What pissed me off this time was that I never really felt that weak before. Even when I was laying flat I still had my strength. Don’t know how to describe it. I felt old when I liftet a 5 kilo bag of rice inside my kitchen. It was unnerving. Call yourself lucky to dodge this one.

  • Meh. Finally recovered from corona. It wasn’t like the first two times when it fucked me over for a day or two with fever followed by a quick recovery. I think I didn’t had a fever at all this time? Just out of breath after doing the most mundane shit for a week. That and the hot weather made it suck a lot.

    Yesterday I finally started with Baldur’s Gate 3. Yeah, it’s great. Who would have thought?! My only criticism is that I couldn’t build my DnD Character. For some reason Kenkus are off limits, so no Kenku Ranger for me. Said fuck it and made a Half-Orc Ranger with specialisation on ranged attack. Minmaxing is lame anyway.