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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023

  • maybe there was a mixup of individual datapoints and individual persons.

    lets see if that could fit.

    as far as i read things in this thread, the whole security is based on exactly these datapoints: Full Name, Date of Birth and SSN (three datapoints) plus username and password for 3 sites (six datapoints) makes 3+6= 9 datapoints per person.

    2.9 billion (us) should be 2.900.000.000 (correct me if i’m wrong, but where i live one “billion” is actually “” thus a “bit” more)

    divided by 9 those 2.9billion would be ~ 320 million.

    on wikipedia they say the us had 331 million people in 2020…

    that would fit like an ass on a bucket! lol just to mention that.

    have a nice day!

  • you should definitely know what type of authentication you use (my opinion) !! the agent can hold the key forever, so if you are just not asked again when connecting once more, thats what the agent is for. however its only in ram, so stopping the process or rebooting ends that of course. if you didn’t reboot meanwhile maybe try unload all keys from it (ssh-add -D, ssh-add -L) and see what the next login is like.

    btw: i use ControlMaster /ControlPath (with timeouts) to even reduce the number of passwordless logins and speed things up when running scripts or things like ansible, monitoring via ssh etc. then everything goes through the already open channel and no authentication is needed for the second thing any more, it gets really fast then.

  • The whole point of ssh-agent is to remember your passphrase.

    replace passphrase with private key and you’re very correct.

    passphrases used to login to servers using PasswordAuthentication are not stored in the agent. i might be wrong with technical details on how the private key is actually stored in RAM by the agent, but in the context of ssh passphrases that could be directly used for login to servers, saying the agent stores passphrases is at least a bit misleading.

    what you want is:

    • use Key authentication, not passwords
    • disable passwordauthentication on the server when you have setup and secured (some sort of backup) ssh access with keys instead of passwords.
    • if you always want to provide a short password for login, then don’t use an agent, i.e. unset that environment variable and check ssh_config
    • give your private key a password that fits your needs (average time it shoulf take attackers to guess that password vs your time you need overall to exchange the pubkey on all your servers)
    • change the privatekey every time immediately after someone might have had access to the password protected privkey file
    • do not give others access to your account on your pc to not have to change your private key too often.

    also an idea:

    • use a token that stores the private key AND is PIN protected as in it would lock itself upon a few tries with a wrong pin. this way the “password” needed to enter for logins can be minimal while at the same time protecting the private key from beeing copied. but even then one should not let others have access to the same machine (of course not as root) or account (as user, but better not at all) as an unlocked token could also possibly be used to place a second attacker provided key on the server you wanted to protect.

    all depends on the level of security you want to achieve. additional TOTP could improve security too (but beware that some authenticator providers might have “sharing” features which could compromise the TOTP token even before its first use.

  • My theory is that you already have something providing ssh agent service

    in the past some xserver environments started an ssh-agent for you just in case of, and for some reason i don’t remember that was annoying and i disabled it to start my agent in my shell environment as i wanted it.

    also a possibility is tharlt there are other agents like the gpg-agent that afaik also handles ssh keys.

    but i would also look into $HOME/.ssh/config if there was something configured that matches the hostname, ip, or with wildcards* parts of it, that could interfere with key selection as the .ssh/id_rsa key should IMHO always be tried if key auth is possible and no (matching) key is known to the ssh process, that is unless there already is something configured…

    not sure if a system-wide /etc/ssh/ssh_config would interfere there too, maybe have a look there too. as this behaviour seems a bit unexpected if not configured specially to do so.

  • smb@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat's your favourite country and why?
    1 month ago


    • no bad politics
    • no wars so far
    • people there are mainly interested in science
    • no economic abuse or exploitation
    • pinguins!
    • no air conditioning needed to survive the summer.
    • winter is offline time, visitors won’t arrive or leave then.
    • last place to stay cool during boomers heritage “heat death of our planet”

    well sure, it has downsides too. Next Rollercoaster park is -tbh- unreachable, internet connection is sloo.oo…oow (or did they already finish the submarine fibre cable?) and sunbathing basically only brings you frost bites (if you’re lucky).

    However i am not planning to migrate there.

  • there is in fact only regulation as long as it is legal. how do you regulate if it is illegal? it only gets hidden then. and literally everywhere it went bad when it became illegal. everything you claim to want to achieve (regulation and workplace security) is completely lost and things get worse, more victims, less control, violence cannot be prosecuted cause none would go to police when anything happens, etc etc. , that is until it becomes legal again, but until then making it illegal even short time would cause way more damage than is possible to “fix” in a decade or two. just read about what happened where govs already took that path. if you want it to get out of control and destroy health and lifes, and create ground for forced prostitution (aka slavery), then yes, making it illegal is the way you get exactly that result.

    and for the relationship thing… as far as i know (which is not much) the mayority of such customers already are in a relationship (mostly the one called marriage) while singles way less do such.

  • until planes have some magic build-in that turns cleptomans into normal people and hinders underpayd in-flight staff from ensuring their already due income upgrade by other means, i’ld say every unobserved bag is prone to theft, everywhere.

    if you know such a theft-preventing magic, pls tell, so we can also build it into regular streets in big touristic cities and into all buildings in the wallstreet, that would help the world a lot.

  • i did say that health care professionals follow suggestions which is 100% true for the suggestions they get from (known health damaging) pharma corporations. and these suggestions are mainly for profit. maybe let me note the opioid crisis here, that did not even touch my country directly (that is until this becomes officially maybe), but assumingly yours. if you don’t know what happened there and who followed who’s suggestions, maybe start reading. same happens in other countries too and for the same purposes.

    a fact that is official here (as in there was a need for a law that currently helps) is that you get different diagnoses from different doctors and NEED to go to at least two different ones to have a chance for a correct diagnose. it took me >30 years to find a doctor that also tells me what is maybe less probable but also maybe a correct diagnose. the others just ignored all facts that were noncomplient to their diagnose and either were silent about it or incapable of also assuming other things with slightly similar symptomes.

    the system is that prone to do wrong diagnoses while not paying for real treatment that some patients and doctors silently agree to do some extra things that are paid better to finance the things that are not paid in one go as a compromise to circumvent the harmful system. this is not public as in news, but when you go to a doctor that you know and need something that is not paid and offer something else at the same time that actually gets paid like a scan for something that could be important for symptoms you might have, chances are very good to get better real help than when strictly following the laws without such offers. i’ve talked about this with a doctor where i was not patient and i observed this once from little distanze.

    i did not say that healthcare professionals intentionally harm for profit but follow guidelines made for profit-only that cause harm.

    also maybe ‘interesting’ to read: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/07/05/time-to-assume-that-health-research-is-fraudulent-until-proved-otherwise/

    i tend to say that some shamans with true intention to help might often be better than a socalled healthcare system that truely is based on profit-only directors. while healthcare professionals depend on intentionally wrong informations (see opioid crisis) from profit-only corporations, their actions effects can highy contradict what their true intentions are. but for patiens really the outcome is what counts.

    so even if someone says that treatment from healthcare professionals harms the patient this does not at all include evil intent from that professional.

  • smb@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlDoes MATRIX recipients know my IP?
    3 months ago

    a public room is public. anyone could and should be able to enter it at any moment start recording and uploading everything to $terrorist@/or$three-letter-agency or such. The idea that someone else could also get the same already public data later is not threatening, as that data is already considered public as in “everyone in the world could have it a second after the data came into existance”. and also as removing from the public is not considered possible, uploading that already intentionally published data again does not pose a greater threat than its first publication, but uses just a bit of bandwidth, not more. if you are very sensitive about visibility of who you talk with, maybe don’t enter “public” rooms in the first place.

    if you join a private room, you already want to share with the other participants that you are f***ing talking to them, including when and who you exactly encrypted the data for, when, and to which servers they have to be forwarded. i expect the server of all participants to forward messages to the recipients. for this the server needs to know this type of information. Of course awareness, which data is used to make i.e. routing decisions is a good thing, but a “nightmare” would be teams zoom icq, whatsapp and similar. i am sure that messengers exist that could be less traceable for participants, but full anonymity to who you are communicating with so that even the servers know nothing about what happens in a room is imho not even a goal of matrix for the future.

    Not a “nightmare”, but what a nightmare it must be to find out that a system that looked so promising did not fulfill “every” dreamexpectation one had with options that are even the opposite of ones dreamexpectation like “public rooms”. that are meant to be public! how horrible!!!(lol)

    by the way -as it seems possibly noteworthy here - if you exchange emails with someones @gmail address, then google has all of your mail histories metadata, as well as the server of your provider has. just to mention, do not send emails to @gmail.com if you dislike google knowing about it. and if you share a document with edit history, then the edit history is likely also shared ;-) As “rooms” in matrix are meant to have a state that changes from the beginning sometimes possibly with every message and one can answer to a message which would reveal the existance of that message later when answered on, including at least a hint of what it was about, such information is imho meant to to be rather complete than hidden. maybe 1:1 chat solves this issue for you, as every chat with a new other person would start empty.

    i might be wrong, but matrix already is one of the most robust systems when it comes to “compromised servers”. so very far away from a nightmare. that is unless you are either a true criminal bastard or a true world saving hero, then every leaked byte might be the deadly one, that is true.

    So in case you are a true world saving hero: Maybe use a self build raspberry pi mesh proxy chain mounted on rooftops delivered by drones at night to proxy the signal of an in-memory-only-tasks-raspi to a free wifi, where the raspi that has its orders is using battery (like the rooftop proxy chain) but is hidden in a public transport to reach the proxy mesh by the transportations timetable. just to give a paranoic one some ideas and some work to do ;-) If you’ve build everything, then upload the code to github and designs to thingiverse so that “anyone” could have placed the proxy mesh to a free wifi on the rooftops, so you be more secure from beeing suspected ;-) lol btw a mesh system to accomplish this already exists, i think they named it b.a.t.m.a.n. (no joke) protocol, so the main struggle should be handling of solar power vs wifi signal strength, distances, humidity and windproof mount design beeing able to be deployed by manually controlled quadrocopters. good luck!

  • the “news” i “know” about india is little, some historical “facts” written mostly by uncivilized brutish invaders compacted to youtube videos by part or fulltime streamers. Some other “facts” which sound often bad i sometims mostly have from official media known to promote any “nice” propaganda - that is, depicting other countries worse than the own one so that people do not hunt their own gov with garden forks just to stop the crimes. Well i really “know” nothing about India.

    But beeing proud of culture usually is a good thing, but that is only if it is culture and as such does not(!) base on abuse or similar.

    Maybe what you experience could be a crowd effect that protects the people from seeing what they (group, society) do wrong while at the same time it protects the worst wrongdoers from punishment or at least from getting stopped. Such as it could be a self-sustaining downwards spiral taking more and more and everything down with it slowly increaaing pace. At least what you wrote sounded a slight bit chilling like that.

    It could be hormones and how culture tells you to act or not act on them, or a lack of culture about such, maybe a combination of culture to “support your group” while that support does not always protect integrity of the overall concept of what that culture was meant for. A group of people cheering to each other how good they are might not want to stop cheering for “minor reasons” because it just feels good. While doing wrong things they could “help” each other (which is supposedly a good thing but can do lot of harm too) with arguments that this wrongdoing would be ok or even "good’ in this specific moment because of <insert_bullshit_here>. alltogether spiralling downwards doing so more often every day. So all of them can go on wrongdoing while feeling well supported or even falsely feel superior in general.

    however a figure (real/not real?) well known in india once said something like “it is better to calm down and just do your thing than to overreact”. (this is the shortes version i’ve ever tried to compact it to but maybe you get the idea anyway).

    I know for a fact that this is not true,

    i don’t know the underlying things that make it a fact, plz share.

    1. i am sure you won’t pay for it if my laptop disappears this way (if yes, lets make a contract with a lifetime “fee” of 0$ i pay you whilst you pay for everything that got stolen from me in a plane)
    2. ppl with kleptomania do travel too
    3. how could you know? you are not talking about you and your colleagues or such?
    4. such statistics were made by those who benefit from planes looking more safe.
    5. “work and travel” vs “steal and travel”, which is more likely be done by a thiev?
    6. not all theives “need” to steal, some just do so because they can, others maybe because its family tradition.
    7. sometimes it could be more important that nobody could possibly put something into(!) your bag (and remove it later) to let you get it through customs for them, those arguably “would” buy such tickets to do so, as it’s probably part of their income, but i guess thats only a problem when flying in or out of countries with big illegal drug imports.
    8. <something i forgot>

  • smb@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhy stand in line to board an airplane?
    5 months ago

    I see only one reason, why i would want to be early at the seat. its bcs if i am not, my backpack might be placed above but multiple seats away by the crew, where it is then uneasy for me to have an eye on it whilst easy for theives to take and open them, especially on long flights there would be plenty of opportunity like when everyone is sleeping.

    but for this case i use locks on the backpack anyway, so that anyone who wants to open it, either opens it where nothing of value is in it thus no lock, or at least has a much harder time than when trying the very same with other bags…

    also on longer flights i usually did not have that problem, but that could also have been just luck