• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Can anyone explain why Wayland exists or who cares about it? X has been around forever, it sucks but it works and everything supports it. Alternatives like NeWS came around that were radically better, but were too soon or relied too much on corporate support, so they faded. The GNU project originally intended to write its own thing, but settled for using X. Now there’s Wayland though, which seems like a slight improvement over X, but mostly kind of a lateral move.

    If you’re going to replace X, why not do something a lot better? If not actual NeWS, then something that incorporates some of its ideas. I think Squeak was like that but I don’t know much about it.

  • Forth is fun but not really suitable for large, long-lasting projects with huge developer communities. Linux isn’t being bootstrapped, it’s already here and has been around for decades and it’s huge. And, I think bootstrapping-by-poking-around on a new architecture has stopped being important. Today, you have compiler and OS’s targeted to the new architecture under simulation long before there is any hardware, with excellent debugging tools available in the simulator.

  • I don’t think Ada in the kernel would get any cultural acceptance. Rust has been hard enough. C++ was vehemently rejected decades ago though the reasons made some sense at the time. Adopting C++ today would be pretty crazy. I don’t see much alternative to Rust (or in a different world, Ada) in the monolithic kernel. But Rust seems like it’s still in beta test, and the kernel architecture itself seems like a legacy beast. Do you know of anything else? I can’t take D or Eiffel or anything like that seriously. And part of it is the crappiness of the hardware companies. Maybe it will have to be left to future generations.

  • I have played with Ada but not done anything “real” with it. I think I’d be ok with using it. It seems better than C in most regards. I haven’t really looked into Rust but from what I can gather, its main innovation is the borrow checker, and Ada might get something like that too (influenced by Rust).

    I don’t understand why Linux is so huge and complicaed anyway. At least on servers, most Linux kernels are running under hypervisors that abstract away the hardware. So what else is going on in there? Linux is at least 10x as much code as BSD kernels from back in the day (idk about now). It might be feasible to write a usable Posix kernel as a hypervisor guest in a garbage collected language. But, I haven’t looked into this very much.

    Here’s an ok overview of Ada: http://cowlark.com/2014-04-27-ada/index.html

  • I think if your photos are on any kind of public website, AI idiots will scrape them regardless of the provider. So at minimum you have to password protect them. That said, I’d feel ok using this:


    It basically runs NextCloud. You’d configure it so that only logged-in users can view the pictures, and give accounts to your friends and family. I don’t think Hetzner is likely to train AI with it, though you could check through their privacy policy. Part of the issue with eg. Google Drive is that everyone wants stuff for free, so Google recovers some of its costs by advertising, AI training, etc. Hetzner charges enough to actually make a profit, while still being IMHO affordable at the level we’re discussing. That means they don’t have to do crap with advertising etc. I have 5TB in their Storage Box product and am happy with it.

    If you want to be more hardcore, you could set up a dedicated server with an encrypted HDD, but now you have to deal with the hassles of self hosting, including backups. It still wouldn’t be end to end encryption, which would require your users to run some kind of special client, or maybe use some awful javascript client.

  • It would help if you gave some numbers. How much data, within a factor of 1000 say? A few megabytes? A few gigabytes? A few terabytes? A few petabytes? The approach you need will change depending on the level. What is your budget?

    What bothers you about cloud storage? Are any of the photos edgy?

    Anyway it sounds to me like you would be fine with a decent web hosting plan and a basic photo gallery app.