Fleddit in June 2023. Was on kbin for a while but it’s been broken and janky lately, so I’m giving midwest.social a try now.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2024


  • My first computer was a brand new Commodore Amiga 600 that I got for Christmas in 1992. I was 10. It was glorious. It had 1MB of RAM with a built-in floppy drive (and no hard drive) and was paired with a lovely 14" CRT monitor at a time when most non-PC home computers were connected to TVs with RF modulators. The difference in image quality was immediately apparent when I went to my friends’ houses and played on their Amigas.

    My parents were convinced because you could do educational-type stuff on it, but really it was a games machine with a keyboard for me - we never had dedicated games consoles. I played the hell out of it for a few years until we got our first Windows 95 PC around 1996.