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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Victimized ✅

    Logical fallacy of ignorance ✅

    Ignores the atrocities and genocide committed in the name of “religion” ✅

    You are quite literally the pot calling the kettle black with your “small minded” comment. Nobody here was persecuting religion, but specific implementations that have committed mass murder, or engage in obnoxious displays (screaming at people at events (some events designed to support groups of people), going door to door, shaming vulnerable people trying to get medical procedures, etc etc)

    The day you widen your view to see others perspectives and history of abuse is the day you’ll actually be on the right “religious” track. Humanity is the religion.

  • You’re absolutely right, I’m similarly in a high demand sector, (wonder if you can guess where, from my username) so my options are much more open.

    I guess the conclusion I’m coming to is, maybe this fictional hack/tactic does work - just don’t spend too much time there if you can help it. Minimize how much you’re buying into these companies and don’t give them anything more than what they’re paying you to do.

    My circumstances aren’t going to be the same as others, so all I can do is listen to their experiences and try to learn about other realities. Probably too deep in the comment thread now but definitely open to hearing others experiences in not-so-in-demand sectors.

    Maybe that’s part of the problem - being in a field that is out of favor/demand? How do you provide value when that value isn’t needed at the moment?

  • To some extent, it’s about creating your own value.

    I do agree that sometimes, we have to hack it to make it. We have to forge our own paths. Sometimes that means pivoting around jobs, getting your foot in the door, networking, etc. it means taking a lower paying salary now, and pushing your way into higher raises a la alternate job offers, now that you have experience.

    But it does not mean supporting those that are stomping on others. It does not mean supporting the oppressor or the upper class for the sake of temporary security because you can bet your ass these same companies will put the AI into your working environment and fire just as much as it hires. All the while, you get stomped out anyway.

  • I understand and mostly agree with what you’re saying, but only under the notion you’re supposing.

    That the majority of companies do this. That’s an assumption. We need data to accurately define whether or not it’s a wide spread problem.

    I’m also highly confused but your first few sentences. You mince words by saying “for most employment domains” but then also say not most places but the largest companies

    If the highest paying jobs are unavailable, and they are a small amount of other jobs which pay less (but not necessarily bad wages), there are still a majority of mediocre places and even underpaying places that exist.

    I do not see value in encouraging the largest, best paying companiesjobs to continue to use these bad faith and misunderstood practices. You don’t encourage behavior you don’t want to see. You take mediocre salaries, and you hustle your way up into valued roles, ask for a fair wage, and if they say no, THEN you go to the large paying companies, and come back with the offer they made to you (perhaps with this fictional AI work around) and try again.

    You should be paid fairly if you are truly valued. But sometimes you have to hack your way into that pay.

    If you show these companies that, hey this AI thing works pretty good, do you think they’ll be happy at where it is or do you think they’ll continue to buy into “better” AIs more and more and make the problem more widespread?

    You don’t fight fire with fire. You smother that shit or put it out with a firehose.

  • Here’s the problem. This is the internet.

    These are locally run and often volunteer based instances.

    Anyone can spawn any amount of accounts and run their instance however they’d like, giving lots of trolls neat little nooks to hide in.

    You’re expecting to get real results? How did you account for multiple votes? How are you even sure that the data from the polls if unique, is accurate?

    Garbage in. Garbage out. People will use Lemmy if they want to. End of story. Idk why everyone is so obsessed with inflating user counts