Damm i thought it was some global chinese brand. No wonder i found only polish websites.
Damm i thought it was some global chinese brand. No wonder i found only polish websites.
Unfortunetly it might survive due to anime going mainstream. Alghtough only anime. Manga and light novels are going to burn.
Thats technicaly correct for me .I often play eu4 while i watch eu4 and spice it up with a bit of music in the background. Alghtough i do only watch gameplays of games im really into ( eu4 ,against the storm ) but generaly not skilled ( or patient )enough to do whatewer crazy shit the streamer is doing, rarely gameplays of games where plot is important in any way and when id do usualy its speedruns.
Just save up more money. If i remember correctly saving 20% was always standard where i live. Also there is no way bank would wilffuly advise you to not pay off your credit card. But yeach mortages suck. Actually cost of homes suck. Ina country where i live developers apparently have something like 30 to 40% profit margins which is crazy.
No . Pepole do not understand that. Pepole are dumb as f. Not everyone but there is more than sufficient number of pepole that have nothing saved up to call for better financial literacy. There are pepole living from paycheck to paycheck that make more than a hundred thousand dollars per year without any money saved up. Like i said the rapid cost of living crisis and the financial literacy are not colleralted. So long as there are pepole dumb enough to spend money in the casino or even worse on gachas so long there is not enough financial literacy. Is it to simple to call it financial literacy. Frankly speaking yes , it should be called something like personal finances but thats the term that everyone uses and i really dont give enough f about the name. Are there financialy literate pepole that have fallen on due to bad circumstances. Yes. Of course they are. Particulary young pepole that just dont have enough time to build their war chest . But it dosent change the fact that those pepole due to their better ability to deal with their personal finances have better chance to recover. It just as simple. Does that solve the underlaying systematic problem. Not really. But it allows pepole to better deal with said problem. Better is the enemy of good.
I mean they are correct. You should try to save up enough money to be able to live 2 ( or even 3 ) months without salary. Regardless of your political opinion on how a system we live in should be you should try to do that just for your own benefit and safety sake.
Besides one statment dosent exclude the other. Once again regardless of your opinions abut the system we live in pepole should have basic financial literacy to know that they should save up some money and not use credit cards as much as possible and other basic stuff ( you would be suprised how many pepole have no idea how it works or why you should save money instead of treating credit cards with horrendus intrest rates as you emergency fund )
Finance courses promoted by various youtubers.
Im 90% sure the case with keto is the same as with ozempic. It is a fairly specilized diet that by coincidence works fairly well for losing weight. From the little i read its apparently for the same reason osempic works. It leads to loss of apetite.
I think pepole on lemmy vastly overestimate how incredibly non technical the vast majority of population is. Including potential criminals. Still a stupid law tho.
Does the 5g have the same problems or did they improved it . Because right now that may be a collosal problem if my country ever wanted to turn off 2g ( which to be fair likely wont happen for a long time ).
So why exatcly 3g or 2g never had this problem. Also why is that then that i can use 4g internet but somewhow making a phone call on the same network is not allowed?
Ok i never understood this. But can i ask wtf is there a certification required for using volte or vowifi ( particulary VoLTE )?
Hmm but in a server enviroment wouldnt it be possible for ssd to reach their wear level much faster and therefor fail due to that ( depending on the workload of course ).
Also it dosent help that english is the new lingua franca. Those 60% europans usualy speak their own native language and english, sometimes also a second europan language ( In poland for example we learn english and than depending on the school usualy either german or french )
Speaking of air cargo. Why exatcly there are no moder zeppelins? They seem like a perfect way to transport cargo
Anime manga light novels. I mean come on i was expecting it to be one of the few communities that would blow up here pretty fast alongside linux , pcbulding and software developer communities.
When did bioware ever played it unsafe?
It wont be all at once. Those changes usualy go very slow. Especialy in the buisness sector.
If its region locked i pirate it. I just cant be bothered to look for a vpn that’s not blocked by this site. Alao if site is a shit i pirate it ,in my case crunchyroll . I really tried using it but Its just not working with my shitty internet and the buffer size is too small to load whole wideo while i do other stuff. YouTube and Netflix somehow works on my internet.
Not all. Some ebook readers still had microusb, plus some other old electronics that didnt bother to upgrade from microusb for the last decade . Also apple obviusly was apple.