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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024

  • Gift-wrapped with a card and all, decades ago to my former significant other. That it was so long ago, and that I don’t remember what the present was would seem to speak volumes against the significance. Damn my cold heart!

    Last time I felt like giving somebody a gift was three years ago. Burned a DVD of Spicediver’s fan edit of Dune (1984) and sent it to an old friend in a case with a printed color slipcover. With the first part of Villeneuve’s adaptation set to debut I wanted my friend to see this great version of a flawed film we enjoyed together in our youth.

    Few months ago I gave a few Famicom game cartridges to a former co-worker because his wife collects Hello Kitty stuff. Not really being generous; was happy to get rid of them as those characters kind of give me the creeps.

  • Profoundly nightmarish was mine, here are the highlights:

    Go to take LSD for the first time with some friends at the seller’s house. Just about the time the effects are taking over I realize I met the guy once about ten years earlier, when as a stupid kid I accidentally shot him in the face with a pellet spring pistol.

    Bit later, on top of feeling ashamed, regretful, worthless, helpless and out of my mind I’m becoming very nauseated so I go to the front porch. In a brief moment I see another guy I hadn’t seen in years walking by on the sidewalk, and reach my hand up to wave at him. As my stomach empties he freezes in his tracks, mid-wave as his smile of recognition turns to shock.