• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I’ve been using Splitwise for years with my friends and my partner. It has a “simplify group debts” feature that gets everyone paid in as few transactions as possible. If Adam owes Eve $5 and Eve owes Seth $5, Splitwise just tells Adam to pay Seth. I pay for premium, which has some nice features like currency conversion and receipt scanning. Regardless of which app you use, I have a couple tips.

    First, discuss ahead of time which expenses you’ll be adding to the group expenses. On a cabin trip last summer, one friend brought $100+ worth of liquor, but only one or two people drank it. Several of us were annoyed at having to pay him back for something we didn’t use.

    Second, at the end of your trip you’ll “settle up” by having the people who paid less reimburse the people who paid more. Wait a few days after the trip for everyone to add any final expenses. Sometimes people settle up prematurely, and then someone realizes they forgot to add a dinner that they paid for. This makes it confusing and creates a bunch of extra Venmo transactions. Just wait.

  • I just want to note that they’re referring to modafinil/Provigil as a controlled substance and a stimulant. It’s technically a controlled substance, but it’s Schedule IV (low priority, low chance of abuse) whereas Adderall is Schedule II. It’s also not a stimulant, but some people would say it’s better because it doesn’t have the teeth-grindy, methy feeling that many stimulants do. Modafinil “promotes wakefulness” but doesn’t prevent sleep. So you can imagine people taking it to stay awake for long hours working, but they won’t be pacing around or talking rapidly like with some stimulants.

    The medical unit was still irresponsible in prescribing meds without proper record-keeping and evaluation, but I wanted to clarify about modafinil specifically.