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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • For when it’s happening at your table, sometimes I think you just have to shut down the game if the players are unengaged and dicking around, falling asleep, etc.

    For stopping this happening? Nothing. People are stupid. (All of us.) For some that expression of stupidity comes in the form of reading one word in a text and assuming the rest without bothering to read further. You can’t fight that.

  • Being able to build up hands would be a plus, maybe through some kind of rummy-style mechanism where you can pick up others’ discards, etc.

    Suits having areas of coverage: hearts are for physical well-being, for example, or clubs for violence, or whatever. You get the value of the card only in the area of coverage, otherwise you get a reduced value (say 1) for each card no matter what the value.

    Going back to the rummy-style hand-building, combos of cards have special effects. Triples/quadruples. Runs (both in-suit or out-of-suit).

    Maybe some assistance mechanism where physical cards are swapped/gifted/whatever.

  • OK, for some really weird reason I can respond to you but not to @jasondotjson@cupoftea.social. So I’ll put my response to his question here. This is not a response to you, just me working around a weird problem:

    Could you tell me a bit more about your problems with moves? Is it just that they’re 2d6 or is it something with the way they’re usually structured?

    What they most remind me of are the “drama deck” of games like Torg, Shatterzone, and Masterbook. When those were introduced I saw what they were trying to do: by providing a mechanical benefit to doing something other than “I try to hit him with my sword/gun/whatever”, they were trying to induce people to do more creative things. And while some elements of the drama deck were very effective and innovative ways to reflect the ebb and flow of dramatic situations (not just combat), the “approved actions” part (which is what “moves” look like to me) was, as far as I’m concerned, an abject failure.

    The intent of an approved action was simple: if you succeeded at an approved action, you got to draw a new drama card for your hand. The approved actions were things like “attack”, “defend”, “test of wills”, “trick”, “taunt”, etc. And the problem with them was that people, to get that mechanical advantage, would contrive just the DUMBEST THINGS IMAGINABLE to get that sweet, sweet card draw. A lot of situations that were plenty dramatic without the drama deck started becoming farcical instead.

    These “moves” look to me like the drama deck’s “approved action”. Only somehow even worse since they’re always there, not switched out on you. They feel like a proverbial “Chinese Restaurant” menu: one from column A, two from column B and then people act as if this somehow liberates them. To me it feels like it constrains them. I don’t even see what problem they were trying to solve by having these, which makes understanding their appeal impossible, as you can imagine.

  • I call it bass-ackwards when (and I freely admit that I may have this wrong because, as I said, the various attempts to explain the system tend to suck because they’re all breathlessly talking as if narrative, rules-light systems are new and unique to PbtA) you say what you’re going to do and then look up a list of approved “moves” to see which is least distorted when applied to the situation. I don’t really find menus of permitted moves liberating or free-form. I find it rather constraining and ugly.

  • Again you’re talking as if rules-light, narrative-focused games are new and unusual. They’ve been around since the (late) '80s. What you are calling “freeing” and new and exciting to you is Tuesday to me. Or any day that ends in ‘y’ really.

    That isn’t the part I don’t grok.

    What I don’t grok you touched upon, however: the “moves” (and all the other related paraphernalia like the “playbooks”). That whole bass-ackward game mechanism is something that I look at and fail to understand at any level, beginning with “what problem is this trying to solve?” and ending with “how is this intended to be fun?”. I also keep hearing the claim that the game is “hackable” but when I look at “hacks” they seem like “jack up the paint job, insert a whole new game, lower the paint job”. About the only thing constant across the PbtA that I can see is that 2d6 system of bass-ackwards rolling.

  • I think the problem is that I was playing cinematic-feeling games beginning in the '80s. (Late '80s, to be fair.) A game being “cinematic” isn’t new to me. And the parts of PbtA that are actually new … I just don’t grok the appeal of. As in I don’t like it and I don’t understand what it is people who like it see in it.

    I don’t like Savage Worlds, as an example, but I see what some people enjoy in it. It’s just not for me. I can see what they were going for. I can see how someone might enjoy the outcome of it. I just happen to not like the system. Ditto for GURPS or even D&D: I don’t like it, but I see what the appeal could be.

    With PbtA I don’t understand it enough to even see what it is people like about it. And I can’t find an “explain like I’m five” overview that closes that comprehension gap. All of the intros seem to presume I know what’s appealing and are intent on showing me how to do it. None of them explain the actual appeal, leaving me lost.