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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • You can use that rationale to justify any invasion against a weaker nation. All it takes is the lack of morality to justify horrific crimes. Your logic falls flat on its face in cases where force and coercion end up having the opposite effect than your stated goal. Countries in the Middle East are finding themselves more and more inclined to do business with China in times of increased threats and sanctions from the US. The “Great Satan” is hated by the population exactly because of the “diplomacy” that you advocate for. An increased resentment among the population influences politics, which drives these countries closer to enemies to the US.

    if we withdraw our support, Israel will lose any incentive to stop the killing. More will die. And that would be the best case scenario.

    So if Zionist government officials don’t steal taxpayer money in order to fund their Zionist invasion of the Middle East, Israel will kill more people. So Israel must be supported in order to kill less people. Nice logic.

    A cornered rat can only do so much before it gets exhausted. It’s better to corner a rat and have it rage rather than pouring in all its cousins to make it feel safer in order to pacify it.

    I have to point out that your “diplomacy” perfectly aligns with the Zionist project, which does involve a genocide as has been documented time and time again.

    I don’t like to attack the person besides the argument, but in this case I don’t think you deserve the benefit of the doubt because of your colossal lack of empathy and unwillingness to consider solutions that don’t involve supporting a full-scale invasion. What’s more disgusting than an overtly wicked individual is one who hides behind talks of nuance and who uses fancy deductions (with false premises) in order to put wool in front of people’s eyes.

  • You said in one of your other posts that every person who thinks that porn is bad is bad. So you think that I’m a bad person. It makes sense why you are not being very charitable.

    Any psychiatrist who claims to diagnose porn addiction is engaging in malpractice. Porn addiction is not real according to sexual scientists.

    Only substance abuse and gambling addiction have made it into DSM. But it is still widely understood that porn addiction is very much real. This is not denied, and is being treated, which is not something you are in a position to call malpractice. It is only a matter of time before porn addiction ends up in DSM as well, because it is a real wide-spread type of addiction.

    The problem is religion and fake morality creating conflicts in people’s minds because they don’t realize that masturbation is fine and healthy.

    This is not the issue, many people who suffer from porn addiction aren’t even religious. The problem is what I described in my earlier comment, which applies to addictions in general, not just porn addiction.

    The problem is religion, not porn. Period. None of what you said is scientifically accurate. Porn addiction is a religious issue because religion has fucked people’s heads.

    Why are you being so emotional? Go and visit the source that I gave you, they reference scientific articles. They are arguing from an empirical standpoint, not a religious one. Go and visit NoFap Forum or other similar communities and read people’s anecdotes about what they are suffering through. Are you going to dismiss all these people as just being fucked in the head because of religion? Grow up.

  • It is common knowledge that porn is unhealthy.

    Good resource: https://fightthenewdrug.org/get-the-facts/

    One point that psychiatrists make about addictions like porn addiction is desensitization. The brain balances the feeling of pain and pleasure automatically, so when you have an abundance of pleasure over a period of time the brain will adjust itself accordingly. This leads to the addict having to pursue newer highs to feel the same pleasure as before. In the case of porn addiction, this could be newer kinks or more extreme scenarios. Many men have unfortunately suffered from erectile dysfunction and worsened relationships with real women due to porn use. This is an established problem.

    It is more fulfilling and productive to direct one’s sexual urges to a real person than a phantom. This keeps one’s self more aligned with what’s real and has good chances of establishing real and productive relationships between people. You cannot establish anything real with a phantom. You cannot have children with it, you cannot have sex with it, you cannot have mutual love with it.

    There is much more to be said. All I request from you is to have some humility when approaching this issue.