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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 31st, 2023

  • Man, we ended up setting up a wiki for all the ones from my last campaign… it’s down at the moment, but here are a few I have saved on my phone:

    “My companions and I are professional adventurers”

    “Some of us more professional than others…”

    “For no sexy reason, what does the pope look like?”

    “Also, I’m not doing terrible! But I definitely just got stabbed.”

    Bard: “No, this is wholesome [Bard] moment! Anyway, how much money do you have?”

    Sorcerer: “[Ranger], we are about to do some wacky-ass magic”

    Ranger: “In that case, I would like to watch it from over there.”

    Sorcerer: “I will not be doing it. I will be joining you.”

    GM: “Divine and wild magic start pouring into and it’s like… Have you ever licked a battery?”

    GM: “Divine, chaos, and dragon magic flows through you—”

    Bard: “And bardic from the inspiration!”

    Ranger: “Oh I can add some ranger nature!”

    Sorcerer: “And I have one that can help! I cast minor illusion to make a “do not disturb” sign.”

    “If I take one more step, it’ll be the furthest I’ve ever been from home…”

    “You didn’t even have to step.”

    “If I take one more interdimensional vortex…”

    “Your left or my left? You’re an orb.”

    “I am.”

    “Float like a flowerpot, sting like a school bus.”

  • Outer Wilds

    If you’re a naturally curious person, the odds are you will probably enjoy Outer Wilds. No other game I’ve played has ever had quite the same blend of mystery, conquering the unknown, and semi-realistic space exploration.

    Could someone make another game like it? Not impossible, I suppose, but I think you would be hard pressed.

    Should you keep playing the original? You really can’t, one time through is all you get. Once you have discovered all the secrets and uncovered the mysteries, that is your journey through it. Still fun to visit every once in a while, though

  • I’ve been plotting out some ideas for what is essentially the inverse of your campaign for some months now. My players will be an elite group of saboteurs and seditionists sent to the capital city of some evil empire in order to bring it down from the inside, however best they see fit.

    I ran into the same problem you did. If this empire is ostensibly so powerful, wealthy, and influential, then why couldn’t they just resurrect anyone important?

    I realise it’s not quite as exciting as the other answers, but ultimately I did decide that I’ll just heavily restrict the resurrection spells. Resurrection will be theoretically possible, but in the setting, the only known way of accomplishing it is with a powerful and limited-use artifact locked deep away within the empire’s vaults. Destroying it or stealing it would be a very good avenue for the players to pursue in order to destabilise the establishment.

    On the players’ side, should I ever actually get the campaign off the ground, I’ll tell them that resurrection spells will not be generally allowed to pick for level ups. I think I would be ok with them spending significant time and effort, maybe a chain of quests, to discover the spells themselves if that’s what they’re truly interested in and think will advance their cause, but with the warning that if word gets out it will paint a massive target on their backs since that kind of power could completely reshape the worldwide political landscape.

    Hopefully, in addition to solving the problem of making sure their high-profile assassinations actually stick, this policy would also encourage the players to play a bit cautiously and generally keep the stakes high.

    Anyway, all this to say, shaping the rules and lore of your world to more precisely fit the experience you are trying to provide makes a lot of sense to me, and is worth considering. As long as you get buy-in from the players up front, of course. Good luck with it!