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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • But

    There should be a law

    Which means it should be a government thing, which means it needs a system, which means it needs an agency. Define the social needs you’re talking about meeting first or this whole post and every response is nothing more than masturbatory nonsense.

    Edit: and actually, now I want a proposal for what this system looks like. “People have problems and those should be addressed” is insubstantial to the point of being infuriating.

  • Person is also provided for their social needs, parallel to the monetary needs.

    Here’s the problem in your thoughts: “social needs” are undefined, and they’re different for everyone. Money is a common denominator, a universal tool for meeting material needs pretty much regardless of what they are. You need food? No need to grow it, spend money. You need a pet? No need to go out and domesticate an animal; spend money. You need a house? No need to build it, spend money.

    So what you need to do is come up with a common denominator the bridges the gaps between people’s differing social needs, otherwise you can’t systemise meeting those needs and thus can’t build any social/government infrastructure to do so. You need friends? No need to go out and make them, do _____ instead. Need intimacy? No need to primp or preen, do _____ instead.

    And then, how do you stop this “social administration” (for lack of a better name) from being corrupted and turned against the populace?

  • I really enjoyed learning to homebrew, and my family and friends really enjoyed drinking the mead I’ve made. You can homebrew all sorts of stuff, too - beer and wine of course, but also kombucha and ginger ale (edit: and cider! Thanks /u/cyberpunk007). I’m looking at professional kit for my next batch which is going to be a few hundred dollars at least of steel, but my first fermentation tubs were something like $35.

    My only up-front recommendation would be to get a conical fermenter as it minimises loss when racking/bottling.

  • Man, most bands start as a group of friends playing together for fun. Yes, sucking isn’t fun - the fun comes from surmounting those obstacles and seeing yourself improve. I sucked at Dark Souls when I first picked it up, but I wanted to be good, so I sat down and practiced parrying against basic enemies until I could get it consistently. I suck at guitar too, it hurts my fingers and makes my hands cramp and it wasn’t worth it to me to push through that to get good.

    You know what I did about it? I sold my guitar on craigslist and moved on. I didn’t go on the internet and whine about it, nor did I get impudent with people who took the time to offer me advice - really rather good advice, in this thread. Your attitude sucks. Adjust that, and then either sit down and practice or find a new hobby. Nobody gives a shit that being bad makes you sad.

  • Oh man. I picked The Dark Urge for my play through with my sister and I have been almost regretting it because god damn this guy is fucked up. It’s been a long time since I’ve been genuinely shocked and upset by happenings in a video game. And we’re not even that far! We just got past the Blighted Village in act 1. It’s her first time, and though I’ve finished the game once already in another run it already feels like a completely different game.

    I’m glad I’m not the only one this disturbed by a story. Hats off to Larian indeed; seems like this is gonna be one uncomfortable run.