Posted above, I’ll drop it here as well, requestarr performs the same service but via discord.
Posted above, I’ll drop it here as well, requestarr performs the same service but via discord.
Layering on top of that (I’m sorry to recommend a discord app) but, Requestarr is awesome as well. It allows you to attach a bot to a channel and request up through Overseer, Sonarr or Radarr. Works for local and remote users.
Aye, that was my suspicion. Really awesome to be stripped of options for privacy so they can suck down that data.
Yt-dlp still works thankfully.
Grayjay started shitting the bed on me recently (Android via Samsung and Graphene, and on Desktop Linux/Windows) unless I disable vpn.
Even with Agent andDNS whitelisting for the apps.
A bit of a bummer after recently donating.
Rewatched Strange Darling to verify it’s spot at the top for my favorites of last year. Then caught up on Silo and am ending the night with Blazing Saddles.
Its been good week.
The guides are pretty solid. The one that sometimes holds people up is ensuring you have a post-roll playout for the channel. I forgot that when going making new channels after a few months of initial config and it caused issues with channels rendering properly downstream.
Yup. It’s easy to setup the tuner in JF. We use Plex and Jellyfin frontends without issue.
I can second this. Been running Ersatz for about 6 months now after getting endless frustration with Disque. Currently have 7 channels configured, upwards of 2 to 3 active at any given point.
One of the things that seems to help with not dropping streams as much is configuring it to treat your media shares as local to ersatz. I had tried mirroring my Disque setup with Plex managing the libraries via Plex Playlists and it was sloppy and dropped a lot between episodes/media.
Anyways, +1 for Ersatz.
Would you mind DM’ing me that link when you have some time?
Unfortunately my external users don’t have access to my jellyfin instance. Which is unfortunate because I enjoy it way more for Ersatz channels than I do Plex
Thank you for the suggestion! I could try and see if my user pool would give that a shot but, I have some pretty tech illiterate people using my services.
My partner has embraced overseer though so it’s been a win in the acceptance stack in that regard. . since they don’t use Discord
This looks great. Thanks for the link!
Gross. I feel like they only add the content bloat as a justification for the world size. I really enjoyed Origins but fell off the latter 2 before getting halfway.
While I love the sentiment, it might be a matter of both unfortunately. But, we have NCSoft at the helm instead of TenCent.
Reading the comment above yours made my hip and knee hurt.
I never thought I’d say this but, I hope Google loses their appeal on the third party store…
I’m so fucking tired of line goes up capitalism preventing us from being able to enjoy the things we’ve already purchased…
Yeah let’s suggest these kids spending their time somewhere way safer like Matt Gaetz’s mansion.
So glad to not be alone on this. It felt unfocused. I think working with Mark Ronson gave Homme a bit too much leeway to make an album that tried to hard to be cool.
It somehow went over the ironic/unironic line that Queens has always danced around.
Like Clockwork has moments that veered towards camp and cheese but never felt insincere or cloying.
Damn. I mildly followed this via some podcasts I listen too. Didn’t even realize they had relaunched after the bullshit beta.
Good riddance to another failed WB attempt to exploit rather than honor their IP.