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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Fuck prom. I lost it at prom my junior year because I was managing the logistics and social momentum for our entire group despite way too much petty high school drama, childish behavior, and real life drama (car breaking down). After basically pulling a damn miracle to make it happen we got there and the group was still bitching/snotty so I snapped, yelled loudly in front of teachers, and walked the fuck out. My date, who I had recently started semi-dating/hooking up with, went home with another dude. In hindsight I don’t blame her but we were supposed to be friends first and I thought she would be there emotionally for me instead of piling it on.

    The next year I went but also had a shit ton of stress because I was getting everyone else ready and then no one would help me/gave a shit. My other friend started pouting at like noon that day because a different friend hadn’t finished sewing her prom dress as promised. So I literally (this was before YouTube) took her fabric and figured out to make a skirt and hand sewed it on the spot to make her happy (it looked great btw) but then I ended up looking like crap with terrible hair.

    I wasn’t mature enough to not let everyone put their bullshit on me.

    Overall it was stressful and lackluster. Other dances (esp. Halloween dance or sadie-hawkins) were much more fun because there was way less pressure. You could just show up and vibe.