Change Shadowheart to Gale and it’ll be more accurate.
Change Shadowheart to Gale and it’ll be more accurate.
Not a fan… not the game for you cupcake. Ruin some other game and leave ours the fuck alone.
I hope your sorry ass gets banned from everything.
Then fucking play something else. This game is for fans you stupid small dicked cunt
WotC is fucked as is. There are a lot of systems being created right now that is going to take those child raiding pieces of shit out.
It’s amazing how stupid some people are. You miss out on some amazing story and interaction by failing some rolls. Just like real D&D.
Sounds like you need to learn to play.
The “right” way to play is to kill everyone in the Grove anyway. Druids and tiefs.
Go back to somewhere regulated or stay here and shape the community in any way we want? Seems like a no brainer.
It’s not. This place and most of the people in it are worse than pond scum.