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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Yeah, this is someone in my group - I do some meta shit but branched off to do fun stupid things I like.

    Big numbers are fun but it’s not fun when your replacement character has every counter and spell for what we normally deal with, is the only high int character when we were originally all low int. Now add to that half of every session is pointless NPC RP you set up with the DM to reveal your pointless backstory that you clearly spent way too much time on.

    I think I hate DND I just want adventure and to kill some goblins and stuff. The story is in the adventure and choices you make, not your 20 page backstory and critical role wannabe voice acting.


  • Yeah I’ve been part of a group of 5-6 players a d we played almost every week until recently it started being much more infrequent.

    I think we’re all just burned out on DnD, everyone is going off the rails with their characters and we completely lost sight of our actual objectives and end up in pointless encounters because someone wants a magic item and I sit there twiddling my thumbs while the DM lets the interactions go on way too long.

    I wanna play some fun strategy games or something.

  • I did something similar but with ops management. Left a big corporate job to work for a small business and it’s been amazing. If I want something done differently I just propose it to ownership, scope it out and draft a plan and start implementing. Software or procedures changes take a few weeks instead of months/years (if at all with all the corporate red tape)

    We’ve grown enough in the two years I’ve been here that my overall pay is higher than my corporate job and I’m working 45 hours a week instead of 60+. Also my bonus is going to be insane. 👌