The campaign is set in the Moonshae Isles. I am playing the Sarifal outcast background as a Fairy. As part of the background, my character, Spark, is on a secret mission (rooting out traitors) for High Lady Ordlaf. Now, Spark isn’t allowed to tell the real reason that he is not at court. And he is known to be banished as part of his cover. I was thinking that he would use multiple excuses when he is asked what he was banished for. Not all have to be serious, and he is skilled in deception.

    10 months ago

    “I once led a small group of Rebels. Turns out being a rebel is some kinda ‘traitorous’ behavior or something. Pfft, can you believe that?”

    “I was a smuggler back home. Let’s just say one of my ‘packages’ were a little bit too loud for their own good and my ‘package’ kinda…‘broke’ and now…well here I am.”

    “Have you ever heard of the shattering of the north land? You know that big fissure that was caused by a giant explosio-…no? Oh, well in that case I’m just here on vacation.”

    “Would you believe me if I said I was a runaway Prince? Because I’m a runaway Prince. Don’t bother asking me for money; had to leave it when I ran away.”

    “Long story short, did you know that if you cheat on your wife and your wife turns out to be the daughter of a crime boss you can die?”

    “Look, if anybody asks you if you know a guy that has the vial of liquid life you don’t know me. Capiche?”

    “You know the good, innocent princess that lives Sarifal? Heh, well did you know that she has a mole in the shape of a heart on her butt? Don’t tell the King I told you though. Turns out the King doesn’t like me much anymore.”

    “Funny enough, I was actually a magician back home. I was so good that I actually used to perform for the King and Queen frequently. So, with that being said, if a dog named Mitzy randomly appears in front of you, you’ll let me know so I can finally go home?”

    “I have amnesia.”

    10 months ago

    I’ve found that AIs can be quite handy as “brainstorming buddies” for things like this. Ask one for a dozen different ideas, tell it which of those ideas were good and ask for more like those, etc.

    Here’s a bunch I liked that they came up with using your post as a prompt:

    • “I spoke my mind a little too freely about the High Lady’s new dress sense.”
    • “Accused of having stolen the royal spoon collection. Can you believe that?”
    • “I was banished for being too charming and distracting to the court.”
    • “I was caught singing a rather unflattering song about the High Lord.”
    • “I got into a bit of a disagreement with the High Lady’s pet dragon.”
    • “I was found guilty of gross misuse of the royal stationery.”
    • “I was banished for being too nosy and asking too many questions.”
    • “I was caught trying to smuggle a group of goblins into the palace.”
    • “I was banished for being a bad influence on the young fairies.”
    • “I was caught trying to steal the High Lady’s favorite tiara.”
    • “I was banished for being too clumsy and breaking too many things.”
    • “I was caught sleeping on the job.”
    • “I caused a glitter spill in the court. They’re still cleaning it up to this day, it gets everywhere.”