• Verdant Banana@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    votes do not matter and the election is rigged

    there are people such as myself barred from voting and there are states wanting to only have one candidate on the voting ballot on top of what this article mentions

    please change my mind with good facts begging you please give us hope that this comment is wrong

    also great fucking article

    • surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      If votes don’t matter then you shouldn’t care that you can’t vote… I’m of the opinion that no one should lose voting rights ever. It’s a stupid punishment.

      The election is “rigged” if you consider “rigged” to mean that first past the post voting always devolves into a two party system, and Citizens United caused both of those parties to be bought.

      If by “rigged” you mean that someone today already knows for certain who will win in November, then no, that’s crazy. But I’d agree that the difference in candidates is smaller than it should be because both are heavily influenced by money.

      • Verdant Banana@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        mean rigged as in the bipartisan politics that took my vote away were crafted by the same groups that have candidates on the ballot for people to “vote” for

        democrats and republicans made laws and policies on a bipartisan effort nationally and statewide to invalidate a portion of Americans from voting and they disallow third parties from debating on the national debate platforms


        the two corporate parties both rigged the game board in their favor plain as day and it does not matter which of the two “parties” win because either way we the people lose

        • surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Ok yeah. That’s just the first past the post voting system in action. Until that changes, the best we can do is vote against the candidate we hate the most.

      • Verdant Banana@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        in the US your rights are dependent on which state you reside in 24/7 and you are not allowed to live in more than two states 24/7 so only one state’s rights per person and those rights do not carry over state lines

        Vacation houses and the like do not count unless you register as living there 24/7 which registering requires an ID or driver’s license from where the state gives out licenses (different office and name in different countries mean states)

        this is all because of how fractured the “US” is think fifty different countries all pulling in fifty opposite directions even the states that are in the republican or democrat camps

        the stickiness comes in when a citizen of one state registers as a citizen in another state without giving up the other state’s citizenship thus making a person at least on paper as living in two states simultaneously giving that person the rights of two different states depending on which state they are in and registered also

        for example registering to vote is a state by state thing not connected nation wide and if you are registered as citizen in more than one state you could in theory be registered to vote in more than one state and do so since not really checked nationally only state wide and registering to vote is validating an address

        some state driver’s license/ IDs are slowly being connected nation wide but it is still not a national thing across all “states”

        to wrap this up not able to vote because am living in more than one state 24/7 in order to use the rights of other states when am at my other address - if voted it could be contested and deemed illegal voting which is a felony because being registered in another state is very frowned upon

        so technically could vote legally but it could result in a felony if contested

        would not be an issue if the US had national laws that all states had to abide by and a national playbook that was played on in all states