This probably isn’t the best place for this but something I want to have been mentioned.

Obviously porn in general is fine, even the more risqué or honestly even unsanitary isn’t really a problem to me. And yes I understand all the women are of legal and there’s verification. But isn’t this still problematic? They’re being sexualized for the reason of looking like they are too young to be sexualized. That seems like a great way to encourage pedophilia. It’s a gross concept, especially given the median age on this platform.

And yes, I’ve blocked it for myself because I’m too old to want to see that when I’m scrolling /all. But I still think it’s a bad message to leave out there.

    11 months ago

    I would say that, for people that might be struggling with being attracted to kids, and are trying to stop or change that habbit this type of community would be a good start for them because atleast they are trying to an extent to be legal. As long that the people involved are of legal age, then it shouldn’t be problematic. That’s like if I were to ask this question;

    There are some kids at highschool at age 15 that look older, is that problematic? If there were actual minors on the communitiy however, that would actually be a legal concern. But it would have to be knowingly if i’m not mistaken that they are actually underage. If whether you know or not their a minor, even if they lie about their age is a legal concern correct in replies. But then in that case any relationship could be at legal risk if the other person lies to you and is under age.