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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I know it’s a cliche but try posting yourself. That’s the only way places like this grow. I don’t particularly enjoy posting so I try my best to keep conversations flowing and add discussion to posts without much going on. Every little bit helps.

    To that end, what’s your favorite thing about South Korea? I don’t really know all that much about it. Are you from there or working there or what?

  • A lot of people do recognize how insane it is but that’s not enough to shut down the 30% of people who don’t. There’s a lot of reasons for that but suffice it to say that rural idiocy has an outsized electoral influence.

    I’m absolutely with you though. I’m convinced that I will go to my grave bewildered by the level of delusion I’ve witnessed in this country over the last 8 years. No amount of empathy or attempts to see things from another perspective have come close to justifying the sheer volume of obvious bullshit you have to swallow to be a Trump supporter in 2024.

  • Dismissing criticism as propaganda is what propagandists do. I won’t disagree if you say Biden is better than Trump but I will absolutely not accept that he’s the best candidate we can come up with. Even your comparison to Obama illustrates how low we’ve set the bar. Obama was not a great president unless you mean only by comparison to his recent peers. He was better than the others we’ve had in the last 40 years but that statement says more about the last 40 years than it does Obama. His biggest accomplishment was ensuring our shitty healthcare system stays in place for at least another generation. He and Biden aren’t fascist pieces of shit like all Republicans these days but I think we should be aiming quite a bit higher than that, don’t you?

  • Wilson said that he likes the idea of a multiparty democracy in theory, and would not be bothered by No Labels’ presidential ambitions in a more traditional election, but that the stakes are too high this year — even if it means depriving voters of options and making them choose between two candidates they might not be excited about.

    When was this not the justification for forcing people to accept a candidate they don’t like? It’s like every four years we all forget that the last candidate was sold that way too. Obama is the only semi-exception in that his first campaign was all about hope and change but we all know how that turned out.

    The funny part is that we could have taken Obama’s victory as proof that promoting progressive policies works to get a President elected but instead we decided to go back to calling that approach wishful thinking and impractical. Almost as if the goal isn’t to represent the people but rather to ensure Progressive ideas reach as few people as possible.

  • Exactly, and if we don’t have a functional “fence”, so to speak, at that point then we’ll end up using guns to stem the tide. We might end up doing that anyway but the system we have now doesn’t even work under current conditions, which are about as good as any of us are likely to see again in our lifetimes. There’s no way it’s sustainable if the number of people attempting to claim asylum continues to increase and that appears unavoidable.

    That leaves us with the uncomfortable question of what do we actually do with these people? Republican solutions aren’t particularly good, and their basis for having the discussion seems more racist than humanitarian, but at least you can say they’re not afraid of talking about it. Democrats seem content to pretend it’s not going to be an issue because there’s brown people in the crowd at the border and saying anything that could be perceived as less than perfectly inclusive about them is not pc.